Preventing Data Leaks from Printed Sheets

Confidential or private information printed on paper may be copied improperly or stolen, leading to data leaks.

The following functions in the machine can promote user awareness of file management and discourage unauthorized copying or leaving of printed sheets.

Adding the name of the user printing the job on printed sheets (Compulsory Security Stamp)

Illustration of preventing data leaks from printed sheets

Always adding a printed name can promote user awareness of file management.

Warning unauthorized copying (Unauthorized Copy Prevention/Data Security for Copying)

Illustration of preventing data leaks from printed sheets

You can add specified text to documents copied or printed in the machine. See the sections below for details about these functions:

You can enable these functions even if users do not use them.

Always storing print jobs in the machine

The print jobs are always stored in the machine before printing on paper regardless of the settings on the printer driver.

Users must operate the control panel on the machine to perform print jobs. The user can retrieve the printed sheets soon after printing.


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