Usable Characters for User Names and Passwords

The following characters can be used for login user names and passwords. Names and passwords are case-sensitive.

  • Upper case letters: A to Z (26 characters)

  • Lower case letters: a to z (26 characters)

  • Numbers: 0 to 9 (10 characters)

  • Symbols: (space) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _` { | } ~ (33 characters)

Supervisor/Built-in Administrators/Users

External Administrators

Login user name

  • Can be up to 32 characters long.

  • Cannot contain spaces, colons or quotation marks.

  • Cannot be left blank.

  • The login user name of the supervisor and administrators must contain characters other than numerical characters (numbers) if it is up to 8 characters. If it consists of only numbers, 9 or more must be used.

Login password

  • The maximum password length for the administrators and supervisor is 32 characters.

  • The maximum password length for users is 128 characters.

  • There are no restrictions on the types of characters that can be used for a password. For security, it is recommended to create passwords consisting of uppercase or lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. A password consisting of a large number of characters is less easily guessed by others.

  • In [Password Policy] in [Extended Security Settings], you can specify a password consisting of uppercase or lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols, as well as the minimum number of characters to be used for the password.


  • The maximum password length is 128 characters. *1

  • For the other conditions, the password policy of the external authentication server is applied.

*1 Attempts to log in as an external administrator may fail from an application where a limitation is imposed on the password length.


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