The following characters can be used for login user names and passwords. Names and passwords are case-sensitive.
Upper case letters: A to Z (26 characters)
Lower case letters: a to z (26 characters)
Numbers: 0 to 9 (10 characters)
Symbols: (space) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _` { | } ~ (33 characters)
Supervisor/Built-in Administrators/Users |
External Administrators |
Login user name |
Can be up to 32 characters long.
Cannot contain spaces, colons or quotation marks.
Cannot be left blank.
The login user name of the supervisor and administrators must contain characters other than numerical characters (numbers) if it is up to 8 characters. If it consists of only numbers, 9 or more must be used.
Login password |
The maximum password length for the administrators and supervisor is 32 characters.
The maximum password length for users is 128 characters.
There are no restrictions on the types of characters that can be used for a password. For security, it is recommended to create passwords consisting of uppercase or lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. A password consisting of a large number of characters is less easily guessed by others.
In [Password Policy] in [Extended Security Settings], you can specify a password consisting of uppercase or lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols, as well as the minimum number of characters to be used for the password. Security
The maximum password length is 128 characters. *1
For the other conditions, the password policy of the external authentication server is applied.
*1 Attempts to log in as an external administrator may fail from an application where a limitation is imposed on the password length.