Machine Status Notification by E-mail
You can specify two ways of e-mail notification by Web Image Monitor.
Auto Email Notification
When paper is run out or paper misfeed occurs, e-mail is sent to the preregistered e-mail address. You can divide the registered e-mail addresses into four groups and can specify different notification for each group.
On-demand Email Notification
When you enter "requeststatus" in the title of e-mail and send it to the [Email Notification E-mail Address] of the machine, the machine status and settings are given as a reply. When the machine receives e-mail of the registered mail address, you can receive a replay.
Depending on your e-mail application, a phishing warning might appear after you receive an e-mail message. To prevent phishing warnings appearing after you receive e-mail from a specified sender, you must add the sender to your e-mail application's exclusion list.
When you specify Email Notification, the e-mail shown below is sent.
Subject: Device Alert Notification: Replace Print Cartridge. (Black) |
Add toner (Black) Printer: Out of Toner Details: Out of Toner: Black ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Model Name: (Product Name) Name: (Machine Name) Comment: TCP/IP (Ethernet) Host Name: Host Name Domain Name: IPv4 Address: (IP address of the machine) Physical Address Ethernet: (MAC Address) SMB Work Group Name: WORKGROUP Computer Name: (Computer Name) Share Name: (Share Name) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Device Page URL (Ethernet): http://(IP address of the machine) Groups to Notify: (Group Name) |
You can specify the sender's mail address of the email-notification and destination mail address of the on-demand email notification.
Specify an e-mail address to which the machine can send e-mail in advance.
Configuring the Settings to Send E-mails from the Machine
- You cannot use the user name and email address used in [Fax Email Account].
Log in to Web Image Monitor as a machine administrator.
When custom-privileges administrators are registered, you can log in to the machine as a custom-privileges administrator with the Send (Email/Folder) privilege as well.Click [Configuration] on the "Device Management" menu.
Click [Email] under the "Device Settings" category.
Specify the mail address and password of the account used for mail notification under "Email Notification Account".
When you use the On-demand Email Notification function, select [On] check box under "Receive Email Notification".When setting is complete, click [OK].
Then specify the settings for Auto Email Notification and On-demand Email Notification.
Log in to Web Image Monitor as a machine administrator.
Click [Configuration] on the "Device Management" menu.
When custom-privileges administrators are registered, you can log in to the machine as a custom-privileges administrator with the [Send] privilege as well.Click [Auto Email Notification] under the "Device Settings" category.
To add a text to the message of all notify destination e-mails, enter the text in "Notification Message".
You can enter any text, such as the machine's location, service representative contact information.Click [Edit] in Group 1 to 4 under "Groups to Notify", and specify Subject, Message, and Notify Address of the e-mail.
Select the items and groups of the notification mail in "Select Groups/Items to Notify".
Click [Edit] under "Detailed Settings of Each Item" and specify the timing to send the notification mail, as necessary.
When setting is complete, click [OK] twice.
Click [Logout] to quit Web Image Monitor.
Log in to Web Image Monitor as a machine administrator.
When custom-privileges administrators are registered, you can log in to the machine as a custom-privileges administrator with the [Send] privilege as well.Click [Configuration] on the "Device Management" menu.
Click [On-demand Email Notification] under the "Device Settings" category.
To add a text to the subject and message of all notify destination e-mails, enter the text in "Notification Subject" and "Notification Message".
Text entered in Notification Subject is displayed at the top of the Subject.
In Notification Message, you can enter any text, such as the machine's location, service representative contact information.
Specify the Email Addresses and Domain Names to reply Access Restriction to Information or On-demand Email Notification.
For details about the settings and how to enter the information, see Web Image Monitor Help.When setting is complete, click [OK].
Click [Logout] to quit Web Image Monitor.
Specifying an address that is authenticated by OAuth 2.0 authentication for on-demand e-mail notification
Log in to Web Image Monitor as a machine administrator.
When custom-privileges administrators are registered, you can log in to the machine as a custom-privileges administrator with the [Send] privilege as well.Click [Configuration] on the "Device Management" menu.
Click [Email] under the "Device Settings" category.
Select On for [Use OAuth 2.0 Authentication] in "[Exchange Online] OAuth 2.0 Authentication", and then specify the settings as necessary.
[Exchange Online] OAuth 2.0 Authentication
[POP3/IMAP4 Server Name]:
[Exchange Online] Reception
Specify [Reception Protocol], [Email Reception Interval], [Max. Reception Email Size], and [Email Storage in Server] according to the environment you are using.
[Exchange Online] OAuth 2.0 Email Notification Account
[Receive Email Notification]: On
Specify [Email Notification E-mail Address] and [Email Notification User Name] according to the environment you are using.
Click the [Start Authentication] button in "[Exchange Online] OAuth 2.0 Email Notification Account".
Make a note of the user code that is displayed on the [OAuth 2.0 Authentication] screen.
Click the authentication URL from Microsoft that is displayed on the [OAuth 2.0 Authentication] screen.
Enter the user code in the Microsoft authentication screen to complete the authentication.
Click [OK] on the [OAuth 2.0 Authentication] screen.
Make sure that the OAuth2.0 authentication is complete in "[Exchange Online] OAuth 2.0 Email Notification Account", and then click [OK].
Click [Logout] to quit Web Image Monitor.