Various Methods for Receiving Faxes

You can receive incoming documents using various methods including Immediate Reception, Memory Reception, and Substitute Reception.

Immediate Reception

The machine normally prints a sheet every time it receives a page when receiving a fax or IP-Fax.

Memory Reception

The machine stores the received document temporarily in its memory and then prints the document when receiving an e-mail or Internet Fax or when you specify one of the following functions:

  • Combine 2 Originals or Duplex

  • Multi-Copy Reception

Substitute Reception

The machine stores the received documents automatically when it cannot perform printing.

  • When the machine receives a document by substitute reception, the Fax indicator lights up and "Substitute RX File" is displayed in the Fax RX File Widget. The documents received in Substitute Reception will be printed automatically when printing becomes possible on the machine.


  • In case of a power outage, or if you leave the machine unplugged from the wall outlet for about one hour or more, all the documents stored in the memory of the fax will be erased. If a document has been erased, a "Power Failure Report" listing the erased documents is printed.
    When an Error Is Reported in a Report or E-mail

  • The machine terminates the connection if the remaining amount of memory becomes 0% while receiving a fax.


  • Reception and registration of Personal box and other boxes may become impossible when the remaining amount of memory becomes low. The remaining amount of memory at which this occurs varies depending on the options attached to the machine.

  • The Fax indicator also lights up when the machine receives a document specified with Memory Lock Reception or to Personal Box.
    Entering the ID Code to Print Received Fax Document
    Receiving Faxes to Personal Boxes


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