Scanning an Original and Dividing the Scanned Data into Multiple Files

Scan an original with multiple pages and divide the scanned data into a specified number of pages.

For example, you can scan 5 sets of a pair of two-sided sheets in a batch and divide and save the scanned data as 5 files of four pages each automatically.

  1. Press [Scanner] on the Home screen.
    Operation panel screen illustration

  2. Place the original on the scanner.
    Placing an Original to Scan

  3. Press [Send Settings] on the scanner screen.
    Operation panel screen illustration

  4. Press [Divide] and specify the number of pages to divide the data in each file in [Divided].
    Operation panel screen illustration

    • To display a confirmation screen prompting to cancel or continue scanning when the number of scanned pages does not match the integral multiple of the number to split the data, select the [Division Check] check box.

    • Clear the check box to divide the scanned data into a specified number of pages regardless of the actual number of scanned pages. The number of pages in the last file may be less than the specified number in such case.

  5. Specify the scan settings according to the purpose of the scanned data.
    Scanning an Original with Suitable Quality and Density
    Specifying the File Type or File Name When Scanning a Document

  6. To send the scanned document to an e-mail address, press [Sender] and then specify the sender.
    When a logged in user is operating the machine, the logged in user becomes the sender.
    Scanning Documents and Sending the Scanned Data by E-mail

  7. Specify the destination on the scanner screen, and press [Start].


  • If the last page of a two-sided original is blank, you can specify to skip scanning the last page. Specify the page opening orientation in [Send Settings] [Original Settings] [Others] and select the [Scan 1 Side of Last Page] check box.


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