Combining and Copying a Multi-page Original onto a Single Sheet of Paper

You can copy multiple sheets in an original onto one side or both sides of a sheet of paper to save paper.

Illustration of image combining and copying a multi-page original onto an single sheet of paper

The arrangement of copied pages and copy ratio varies depending on the original orientation and combined pages.

Original Orientation

Combine 2 pages

Combine 4 pages

Combine 8 pages

Illustration of original orientation

Illustration of combine two pages

Illustration of combine four pages

Illustration of combine eight pages

Illustration of original orientation

Illustration of combine two pages

Illustration of combine four pages

Illustration of combine eight pages

  1. Press [Copy] on the Home screen.
    Operation panel screen illustration

  2. On the Copy screen, press [1 sided→Comb 2 orig].
    Operation panel screen illustration

    To combine with the settings other than those displayed on the keys

    1. Press [2 Sided/Combine].

    2. Press [2 Sided/Combine].
      Operation panel screen illustration

    3. Specify about the original side, print side, and combining.
      Operation panel screen illustration

      • Original Direction: Specify the orientation to place the originals.

      • Original Side Setting: Specify the condition of the originals to copy (1 sided/2 sided (page opening direction)).

      • Print Side Setting: Specify the condition of the copied sheet (1 sided/2 sided (page opening direction)).

      • Combine Settings: Specify the number of pages to combine on one side of a sheet.

    4. Press [OK].

  3. Press the paper tray select key and select the paper to copy onto.

    Operation panel screen illustration

  4. Place an original.
    Basic Procedure for Copying Documents
    To position the right-page first and then the left page when copying an original written longitudinally, place the original upside down in the ADF.
    Example: Combining 2 Pages



    Illustration of orientation

    Illustration of copy result

  5. Press [Start].
    When placing the originals on the exposure glass, press [Finish Scn] after scanning all of the originals if necessary according to the number of originals.


  • The minimum copy ratio in the Combine function is 25%. For example, if you copy an A4 (81/2 × 11)-size original onto A5 (51/2 × 81/2)-size paper with [1 sided→Comb 4 orig], the copy ratio becomes less than 25% and parts of the image might not be copied.

  • You can configure the following settings in [Settings] [Copier / Document Server Settings] [2 Sided/Combine] [Combine]:

    • [Copy Order in Combine]: The order of combined images

    • [Separation Line in Combine]: The separation line between combined pages


  • You can configure the following settings in [Settings] [Copier / Document Server Settings] [Edit / Stamp] [Erase]:

    • [Erase Original Shadow in Combine]: Determine whether to erase the boundary margin around each original to maintain the margin


  • You can change the setting contents of the Combine key on the Copy screen.

    Customize Function


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