Encrypting Network Communication

To protect communicated information, it is necessary to encrypt communication between computers and external equipment.

Data sent from and received by the machine can be intercepted, cracked, or tampered with during transmission. For example, the following data can be transmitted between the machine and external devices or the computer:

  • Documents printed in the company using the printer driver

  • Documents scanned and sent by e-mail to use in a meeting

  • Login user name and login password

See the table below for the methods of encrypting data.

Data to encrypt

Encryption method


Web Image Monitor

IPP print

Windows authentication

LDAP authentication

E-mail transmission


Install a device certificate.

  1. Installing a Self-signed Certificate/Certificate Issued by a Certificate Authority

  2. Encrypting Transmission Using SSL/TLS



Install a user certificate.

  • Encrypting E-mail Sent from the Machine by S/MIME

Machine management data


Specify an encryption password.

  • Encrypting Data Communicated with Machine Management Software Via SNMPv3

Authentication information of print jobs

Driver encryption key

IPP authentication

Specifying a Driver Encryption Key

Specify IPP authentication.

  • Encrypting the Login Password of Print Jobs

Kerberos authentication data

Varies depending on the KDC server

Select an encryption method.

  • Encrypting Communication Between KDC and the Machine


  • The administrator is required to manage the expiration of certificates and renew the certificates before they expire.

  • The administrator is required to check that the issuer of the certificate is valid.


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