Storing the Received Fax Documents in the Machine

By storing the received documents in the machine, you can:

  • Confirm the contents of the document on the control panel and print only the documents that require a hard copy.

  • Print the same document many times.

  • Download the documents as image files to a computer using Web Image Monitor.

  • Allow only the specified users to access stored reception files

It is also possible to store the received documents automatically for a specified period or number of hours in the day only.

Changing the Fax Reception Behavior Based on the Time or Day of the Week


  • You cannot use received and stored documents with the Document Server function.

  • For the maximum values of the following items, see List of Maximum Values for Each Setting Item.

    • Number of received documents you can store on the machine's internal storage

    • Number of pages you can store in memory

  • Received confidential documents are stored in Personal Boxes.


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