Send File by Fax
Print Job/Stored File > Document Server > Document Server > Send File by Fax

This page displays a list of files to be sent by fax from the Document Server. To open this page, select a fax file on the Document Server page and click Send.


Total Files to Send

Displays the number of files to be sent by fax.

Total Pages

Displays the total number of pages to be sent by fax.

List of Files to Send

Displays a list of files to be sent by fax. Files in the list are sent in order as a single file, starting from the top.

File control buttons

To change the order of sending, select a file and click one of the buttons under the list.


Move the file to the top of the list.


Move the file up one position.


Move the file down one position.


Move the file to the bottom of the list.


Click to remove a selected file from the list.

Check before Sending

Click to verify that the transmission settings (destination addresses and send options specified on this page) can be applied to the files listed under List of Files to Send.
If you click Check before Sending, a message indicating whether or not the transmission will be successful appears above the button.

Add/Delete Destination(s)

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Specify the destination(s) to which files are sent by fax.


Click one of the following buttons depending on the destination type (fax number or email address):


Select Fax to add a destination for ordinary fax transmission. When you click this button, the Add Fax Destinations page appears.

For details about the Add Fax Destinations page

Internet Fax

Select Internet Fax to add a destination for Internet fax transmission. When you click this button, Add Internet Fax Destinations page appears.

For details about the Add Internet Fax Destinations page


Click Delete to remove a selected destination from the list.

List of display items

To add to the destination, select the check box to the left of the recipient information. The number of selected destinations appears above the list.
The list contains the following items:

Send Method

Displays one of the sending methods (Fax or Internet Fax) based on the type of destination.

Details button

When you click this button, one of the following pages appears depending on the type of destination and on how you added it:
The Check Group Destinations page appears if you selected a group from the Address Book stored on the device.
The Fax Destination Details page appears if you specified a destination by entering the fax number directly, or by selecting it from the Address Book stored on the LDAP Server.
The Internet Fax Destination Details page appears if you specified a destination by entering the email address directly, or by selecting it from the Address Book stored on the LDAP Server.

For details about the Check Group Destinations page
For details about the Fax Destination Details page
For details about the Internet Fax Destination Details page

Entry No.

Displays a user- or group-specific number assigned when the user or group is registered to the Address Book. The User icon to the left of the entry No. indicates a user. The Group icon indicates a group.


  • An entry number appears if the number is registered to the Address Book stored on the device.


Displays the name of the user or group.


Displays the destination's fax number or email address.

Line Type

Displays the type of line used for fax transmission.


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If user authentication is enabled, the currently logged-on user is the sender.
If user authentication is not enabled, you can select a sender from the Address Book by clicking Change to the right of Sender.


To specify or change the sender, click Change to open the Specify Sender page.

For details about the Specify Sender page


Email Transmission Results

Specify whether to send email notification of transmission results.
If On is selected, notification of all results is sent. If On (Only When Error Occurs) is selected, notification is sent only when a transmission error occurs. If you select On or On (Only When Error Occurs), you must select either Specify from Address Book or Manual Entry, and then specify the recipient(s) of the notification.

Specify from Address Book

Select the Sender check box to send notification to the sender, or select the Email Destination check box to send it to another user's email address. Or, you can also select both check boxes.
To send transmission results to the sender, you have to specify the sender's email address in the Sender area above.
If you select the Email Destination check box, click Change to open the TX Result Email Destination page, and then specify the recipient.

For details about the TX Result Email Destination page


  • You cannot specify a group for Email Destination.

Manual Entry

If you select Manual Entry, enter the email address in the box using up to 128 alphanumeric characters.

Send Options

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Send Later

Specify whether to send the fax file(s) at a specified time.
If you select On, specify a time using the dropdown arrows to the right.

Fax Header Print

Specify whether to print the sender name on the delivered fax copy.

Fax Header

If Fax Header Print is set to On, specify the name to be printed.

Reception Notice

Specify whether to request return mail confirming receipt of the fax.


SUB Code Transmission

Specify whether to transmit the fax using a SUB code.


Subject Name

If necessary, enter the email subject.
If left blank, the default subject specified on the device is used.


BCC Transmission

Specify whether to use BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) transmission to hide email addresses from the recipient.



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Click to send the listed file(s) by fax using the specified settings.



Click to cancel fax transmission and return to the Document Server page.


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For details about the procedure (Sending)