Fax Destination Details
Print Job/Stored File > Document Server > Document Server > Send File by Fax > Fax Destination Details

Use this page to change the destination to which fax files are sent from the Document Server. On this page, you can change the destination specified by directly entering a fax number or by selecting the destination from the Address Book on the LDAP Server.

Change Destination by Manual Entry

Line Type

Select the line type used for transmission.

Fax Destination

Enter the fax number. You can enter up to 128 characters, including digits and symbols (*, #, -, and T).

Advanced Features

If you use SUB code transmission, enter an Advanced Feature code. You can enter up to 128 characters, including digits and symbols (*, #, and -).


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Click to save the settings and return to the Send File by Fax page. Settings configured here are reflected in the destinations list on the Send File by Fax page.


Click to cancel the settings and return to the Send File by Fax page.


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For details about the procedure (Sending)