TX Result Email Destination
Print Job/Stored File > Document Server > Document Server > Send File by Fax > TX Result Email Destination

After fax files are sent from the Document Server, transmission results can be sent to specified recipients by email. Use this page to specify the recipient's email address.

Switch Displayed Title

Sorts by title and displays users belonging to the selected title tab.
When you select Off, all users registered to the Address Book are displayed.
When you select Title 1, Title 2, or Title 3, Current Title appears. To display users/groups belonging to a tab, click the button corresponding to that tab.

Current Title

When you select the tab (button) corresponding to the title selected for Switch Displayed Title, users belonging to that tab are displayed.

Search for

Select a search item in the Search for list, enter a search string in the box to the right, and then click Search to start searching for users and groups that match the search criteria.
Available search strings depend on the search item selected.


When selecting Name

Up to 20 characters can be entered.

When selecting Entry No.

Up to 20 digits can be entered.

When selecting Email Address

Up to 128 characters can be entered.

Page control buttons

Click the buttons above the list to change the display page.
The total number of pages and current page number are displayed between the Go to the previous page. button and the Go to the next page. button.

Go to the first page. button

Displays the first page.

Go to the previous page. button

Displays the previous page.

Go to the next page. button

Displays the next page.

Go to the last page. button

Displays the last page.

Page box and Go button

Displays the specified page. Enter the number of the page in the Page box, and then click Go to display it.

Display Items

Select the number of display items per page.

Total No. of Programmed Items

Displays the number of users in the list.

List of display items

To set a user as the recipient of the result notification, click the option button to the left of the user.
The list contains the following items:

Entry No.

Displays a user-specific number assigned when the user is registered to the Address Book. The icon User appearing to the left of the entry No. represents the user.


Displays the name of the user.

Email Address

Displays the email address of the user.


To Top of the Page


Click to save the settings and return to the Send File by Fax page. The settings configured here are reflected in the Email Destination area on the Send File by Fax page.


Click to cancel the settings and return to the Send File by Fax page.


To Top of the Page
For details about the procedure (Sending)