User GuidePro C5300S/C5310S

When a Message Appears While Using the Scanner Function


  • When confirming or changing the settings in [Settings], press [Home] (Operation panel screen illustration) after closing [Settings].

Messages that Appear on the Control Panel



Solution and reference

“All the pages are detected as blank. No file was created.”

The original was placed with the wrong side facing down when [Delete Blank Page] or [Delete Blank Page] in OCR is specified.

  • When scanning on the exposure glass, place the original with the side to scan facing down.

  • When scanning on the ADF, place the original with the side to scan facing up.

All pages in the scanned original were determined to be blank when [Delete Blank Page] is specified.

Decrease the value specified in the following setting items.

[Settings][Scanner Settings][Scan][Blank Page Detection][Blank Page Detection Level]

All pages in the scanned original were determined to be blank when [Delete Blank Page] in OCR is specified.

Change the following setting items.

[Settings][Scanner Settings][Scan][Blank Page Detection][OCR Scanned PDF: Blank Page Sensitivity] to [Sensitivity Level 1]

“Authentication with the destination has failed. Check settings. To check the current status, press [Scan Files Status].”

The user name/password of SMTP authentication specified when sending the e-mail are incorrect.

Select the destination in the address book, press [Edit], and check the setting in [Destination] tab [Email Address].

The user ID/password specified on the destination folder in Send to Folder are incorrect.

  • Select the forwarding destination in the address book, press [Edit], and check the information registered in [Destinations] tab [Folder][Folder Authentication Info].

  • Adding "@domain-name" behind the user name may resolve the problem.

  • When a login password is not specified on your computer, specify a login password on the computer and register it to the machine.

“Cannot access the Memory Storage Device.”

An SD card or USB flash memory device is unavailable for use.

  • Check that the external media is formatted in FAT16 or FAT32, and write encryption or protection is not enabled on the media.

  • Check that the external media is not corrupted or damaged.

“Cannot detect original size. Select scan size.”

An original is not placed correctly on the machine.

Place the original correctly. When you place an original on the exposure glass, the machine detects the original size by opening and closing the exposure glass cover or ADF. Open the cover or ADF by more than 30 degrees when placing an original.

An original with a difficult-to-detect size even in the regular size is placed on the machine.

When scanning an original with a difficult-to-detect size, specify [Send Settings][Scan Size].

Sizes Detectable with Auto Paper Select

An original with a custom size is placed on the machine.

When scanning an original with a custom size, specify the original size in [Send Settings][Scan Size][Custom Size].

“Cannot find the specified path. Please check the settings.”

The machine or the computer is not connected to the network correctly.

Check that the machine or the computer is connected to the network correctly. For details about your network environment, consult the network administrator.

The computer name or folder name specified in the path name is incorrect.

Register the computer name and folder name again.

The firewall function is enabled on the computer.

In the firewall function on the computer, register the machine IP address and the port to use for sending files as exceptions.

You can check the IP address in [Check Status] "Network". For details about the ports, see the following:

List of Specifications for Standard Functions

“Check original's orientation.”

The original is placed in the wrong orientation.

Depending on the combination of the specified settings, the orientation to set the original differs. Be sure to place the original in the correct orientation.

Placing an Original to Scan

“Connection with PC has failed. Check the settings.”

The machine or the computer is not connected to the network correctly.

Check that the machine or the computer is connected to the network correctly. For details about your network environment, consult the network administrator.

The computer name or folder name specified in the path name is incorrect.

Register the computer name and folder name again.

The firewall function is enabled on the computer.

In the firewall function on the computer, register the machine IP address and the port to use for sending files as exceptions.

You can check the IP address in [Check Status] "Network". For details about the ports, see the following:

List of Specifications for Standard Functions

“Connection with the destination has failed. Check the settings. Entered path name might be incorrect, or firewall and security settings might be blocking network connectivity.”

The firewall function is enabled on the computer.

Enable file and printer sharing in the firewall function on your computer.

“Exceeded max. data capacity. Check the resolution or ratio, then press [Start] again.”

The data scanned by specifying [Scan Ratio][Specify Size] exceeds the limit.

  • Decrease [Send Settings][Resolution].

  • Specify a smaller paper size in [Send Settings][Scan Ratio][Specify Size].

“Exceeded max. data capacity. Check the scanning resolution, then XXX.”

(procedure described in place of XXX)

A large size original was scanned at a high resolution, and the resulting data size exceeds the limit.

  • Decrease [Send Settings][Resolution].

  • Specify a smaller size in [Send Settings][Scan Size].

“Exceeded max. email size. Sending email has been cancelled. Check [Max. Email Size] in Scanner Features.”

The file size per page has exceeded the maximum e-mail size specified in [Maximum Email Size].

  • Specify a lower value in [Send Settings][Resolution], or select a smaller paper size in [Send Settings][Scan Ratio][Specify Size].

  • You can change the [Maximum Email Size] setting on [Settings][Scanner Settings][Sending Settings][Email (Size)]. To divide an e-mail that exceeds the maximum size, specify [Yes (per Page)] or [Yes (per Max. Size)] in [Divide & Send Email].

“Exceeded max. number of alphanumeric characters.”

The number of entered characters has exceeded the maximum.

Check the maximum number of characters.

The Setting Values of the Transmission Function

“Failed to connect to the destination. Please contact the administrator to check the following. *The correct root certificate is registered to this machine and destination. *The root certificate check function is not enabled by mistake.”

Email was sent to the destination without an installed certificate of the destination server when "Root Certificate Check" was set to [Active].

Contact your network administrator. Network administrator should install the root certificate of the destination server in Web Image Monitor if required, or set "Root Certificate Check" to [Inactive].

Controlling Access to Untrusted Websites from the Control Panel

“Insufficient memory in the memory storage device.”

There is no free space available on the SD card or USB flash memory device, or the file could not be saved due to insufficient space on the media.

Change the external media. When scanning an original in the divide-document or single-page mode, the saved data may not contain all pages in the original. Change the external media and press [Retry] to resume saving the remaining data.

“Not all of the image will be scanned. Check the ratio and then press [Start] again.”

The scaling factor specified in [Scan Ratio] is too large.

Specify a smaller value in [Send Settings][Scan Ratio].

The paper size specified in [Scan Ratio][Specify Size] requires a reduction value smaller than 25%.

Specify a paper size for which a reduction ratio greater than 25% is specified in [Send Settings][Scan Ratio][Specify Size].

“Programmed. Cannot program the destination(s) that is not programmed in the address book.”

A folder specified by Manual Entry is included among the programmed destinations.

Register the destination in the address book of the machine, and then register it to a program.

“Programmed. Cannot program the folder destination(s) with protection code(s).”

A destination specified with a protection code is included among the programmed destinations.

“SMTP authentication email address and administrator email address mismatch.”

The SMTP authentication e-mail address is not registered in the administrator e-mail address.

Register the SMTP authentication e-mail address in [Settings][System Settings][Send (Email/Folder)][Email][Administrator's Email Address].

“Some invalid destination(s) contained. Do you want to select only valid destination(s)?”

The group contains an e-mail address.

When sending data to a destination other than an e-mail address, press [Select].

“The program is recalled. Cannot recall the folder destination(s) with protection code(s).”

A folder destination specified with a protection code is included among the programmed destinations.

“The size of the scanned data is too small. Check the resolution and the ratio and then press [Start] again.”

The data scanned by specifying [Scan Ratio][Specify Size] is too small.

  • Increase [Send Settings][Resolution].

  • Specify a larger paper size in [Send Settings][Scan Ratio][Specify Size].

“Transmission has failed. Insufficient memory in the destination hard disk. To check the current status, press [Scan Files Status].”

The amount of available hard disk space on the destination computer, SMTP server, or FTP server is insufficient.

Check that the amount of free space is sufficient.

“Transmission has failed. To check the current status, press [Scan Files Status].”

A network error occurred while transferring the data due to a busy network or another reason.

If the same message is displayed after scanning the original again, consult the administrator.

“Exceeded max. number of alphanumeric characters for the path.”

The maximum number of specifiable alphanumeric characters in a path has been exceeded.

Check the maximum number of characters which can be entered, and then enter it again.

Sending a Stored File

“Exceeded the maximum number of OCR jobs that can be on standby for storing, please wait. Try again after storing of the current job has completed.”

The maximum allowable number of jobs on standby was exceeded because large quantities of documents were stored by the OCR function.

Up to 100 jobs can be placed on standby by the OCR function. Scan the next document after the current jobs have finished being stored.

“File types have been automatically set for some files because multiple files were selected.”

If there are selected stored documents which cannot be converted to a specified file format, those documents are automatically converted to a convertible format before they are transmitted.

Sending a Stored File

“Programmed. Cannot program the destination(s) that is not programmed in the address book.”

The destinations that were selected while registered to the program contain a folder destination for which one of the following destinations is set: manually entered destination, WSD destination, or DSM destination.

WSD destinations and DSM destinations cannot be registered to the program because they cannot be registered in the address book. For manually entered destinations, register the destinations in the address book, and then try to register them to the program again.

“The entered file name contains invalid character(s). Enter the file name again using any of the following 1 byte characters. "0 to 9", "A to Z", "a to z", ". - _"”

The file name contains a character that cannot be used.

  • Check the file name set at the time of scanning.

    Registering Administrators Before Using the Machine

  • Check the file name specified at the time of scanning. The file name specified in the Sending Scan Files to Folders function cannot contain the following characters:

    \ / : * ? " < > |

    The file name cannot start or end with a period ".".

When documents cannot be scanned because the memory is full




“Memory is full. Cannot scan. The scanned data will be deleted.”

Because of insufficient hard disk space, the first page could not be scanned.

Try one of the following measures:

“Memory is full. Do you want to store scanned file?”

Because there is not enough free hard disk space in the machine for storing in the Document Server, only some of the pages could be scanned.

Specify whether or not to use the data.

“Memory is full. Scanning has been cancelled. Press [Send] to send the scanned data, or press [Cancel] to delete.”

Because there is not enough free hard disk space in the machine for sending by e-mail while data is being stored in the Document Server, only some of the pages could be scanned.

Specify whether or not to use the data.

When data transmission fails




“Transmission has failed. To check the current status, press [Scanned Files Status].”

While a file was being sent, a network error occurred and the file could not be sent correctly.

If the same message appears again after scanning again, the cause could be a mixed network, or network settings were changed during WSD scanner transmission. For details about network error, contact your administrator.

When data cannot be sent because a currently used file is selected




“Selected file is currently in use. File name cannot be changed.”

You cannot change the name of a file whose status is "Waiting...".

Cancel transmission ("Waiting..." status cleared), and then change the file name.

“Selected file is currently in use. Password cannot be changed.”

You cannot change the password of a file whose status is "Waiting...".

Cancel transmission ("Waiting..." status cleared), and then change the password.

“Selected file is currently in use. User name cannot be changed.”

You cannot change the sender's name whose status is "Waiting...".

Cancel transmission ("Waiting..." status cleared), and then change the user name.

“Some of selected files are currently in use. They could not be deleted.”

You cannot delete a file which is waiting to be transmitted ("Waiting..." status displayed).

Cancel transmission ("Waiting..." status cleared), and then delete the file.

When data cannot be sent because there are too many documents or pages




“Exceeded max. number of pages per file. Do you want to store the scanned pages as 1 file?”

The file being stored has exceeded the maximum number of pages for one file.

Specify whether to store the data or not. Scan the pages that were not scanned, and then store them as a new file.

The Setting Values of the Transmission Function

Deleting Pages

“Exceeded max. number of stored files. Cannot send the scanned data as capturing files is unavailable.”

Too many files are waiting to be sent.

Try again after they have been sent.

“Exceeded max. page capacity per file. Press [Send] to send the scanned data, or press [Cancel] to delete.”

The number of scanned pages exceeded the maximum page capacity.

Specify whether to send the data that has already been scanned.

“Exceeded maximum number of file to store. Delete all unnecessary files.”

Too many files are waiting to be sent.

Try again after they have been sent.

When the WSD scanner function cannot be used




“Cannot communicate with PC. Contact the administrator.”

WSD (Device) protocol or WSD (Scanner) protocol is disabled.

Access Control

“Cannot start scanning because communication was failed.”

Scan Profile is not set on the client computer.

Set Scan Profile.

Changing a Scan Profile

“Cannot start scanning because communication was failed.”

The [Take no action] setting has been selected on the client computer, forcing the client computer to remain inactive when it receives scan data.

Open scanner properties, click the [Events] tab, and then select [Start this program] as the computer's response when it receives scan data. For details, see your operating system's Help.

“Cannot start scanning. Check the setting(s) on the PC.”

The Scan Profile might be incorrectly configured.

Check the Scan Profile configuration.

“Could not send the data because the PC timed out before it was sent.”

A time out occurred when WSD Scanner was used. Time outs occur when too much time passes between scanning an original and sending its data. The followings are likely causes of time outs:

  • Too many originals per set.

  • Misfed originals.

  • Transmission of other jobs.

  • Reduce the number of originals, and then scan again.

  • Remove any misfed original, and then scan again.

  • Use Scanner Journal to check there are no jobs awaiting transmission, and then scan again.

When You Cannot Send Scan Files Using WSD




The WSD scanner function cannot be used.

Scan Profile is not set on the client computer.

Changing a Scan Profile

The WSD scanner function cannot be used.

The [Take no action] setting has been selected on the client computer, forcing the client computer to remain inactive when it receives scan data.

Open scanner Properties, click the [Events] tab, and then select [Start this program] when the computer receives scan data. For details, see your operating system's Help.

Messages that Appear on the Computer



Solution and reference

“Any of Login User Name, Login Password or Driver Encryption Key is incorrect.”

The login user name or password entered in [General User Authentication] is incorrect.

Enter the correct login user name and password in [General User Authentication] that is displayed after clicking [Scan]. For the login user name and password, consult the user administrator.

The driver encryption key is not registered correctly in the TWAIN driver.

Register the driver encryption key on [Details][Authenticate] tab in the TWAIN driver. For the driver encryption key, consult the network administrator.

“The authentication password and/or authentication algorithm may be incorrect, or the machine does not support the authentication algorithm. Please check.”

The SNMPv3 authentication information registered in Network Connection Tool does not match the information of the machine.

Consult the network administrator for the SNMPv3 authentication information, and change the information registered in Network Connection Tool.

Installing the TWAIN Driver

“Authentication succeeded. However, the access privileges for scanner function has been denied.”

The logged-in user does not have access privileges to use the scanner function.

Consult the user administrator. The user administrator can change the access permissions in the address book.

Confirming the Available Functions

“Cannot add any more scanning mode.”

The maximum number of scanning modes that can be registered exceeds the maximum number (100).

Delete scanning modes that are no longer necessary.

“Cannot connect to the scanner. Check the network Access Mask settings in User Tools.”

An access mask is specified.

Consult your administrator.

"Failed to connect to the destination. Please contact the administrator to check the following.

*The correct root certificate is registered to this machine and destination.

*The root certificate check function is not enabled by mistake."

The firewall function is enabled on the computer.

Configure the firewall function of the computer to allow communication of the application used, or disable the firewall function.

“Cannot detect the paper size of the original. Specify the scanning size.”

The original is not placed correctly on the machine.

When you place an original on the exposure glass, the machine detects the original size by opening and closing the exposure glass cover or ADF. Open the cover or ADF by more than 30 degrees when placing an original.

An original with a difficult-to-detect size even in the regular size is placed on the machine.

When scanning an original with a difficult-to-detect size, specify [Send Settings][Scan Size].

Sizes Detectable with Auto Paper Select

An original with a custom size is placed on the machine.

When scanning an original with a custom size, specify the original size in [Send Settings][Scan Size][Custom Size].

“Cannot specify any more scanning area.”

The maximum number of scanning areas that can be registered exceeds the maximum number (100).

Delete scanning areas that are no longer necessary.

“Communication error has occurred on the network.”

A communication error has occurred on the network.

Check that the settings for the communication protocol (TCP/IP) are configured correctly on the computer.

“Entered User Code is not registered or you do not have access privileges to use the scanner function, please contact your administrator.”

The correct user code is not registered in the TWAIN drive when User Code authentication is specified on the machine.

Register the User Code on [Details][Authenticate] tab in the TWAIN driver. For the User Code, consult the user administrator.

The User Code registered in the TWAIN driver is not assigned with the privileges to use the scanner function.

Consult the user administrator. The user administrator can change the access permissions in the address book.

Confirming the Available Functions

“Error has occurred in the scanner.”

The scan condition specified in the application exceeds the range that can be specified on the machine.

Specify the scan condition within the range that can be specified on the machine.

List of Specifications for Standard Functions

A malfunction is occurring in the driver.

  • Restart the application, and perform scanning again.

  • Install the TWAIN driver again.

A malfunction is temporarily occurring on the machine.

Turn off the power of the machine, wait for 10 seconds or more after confirming that the main power indicator is turned off, and then turn on the power.

Turning On and Off the Power

“Error has occurred in the scanner driver.”

An error is occurring in the driver or operating system.

Restart the computer.

There is a problem with the network environment.

Check that the computer is connected to the network correctly and in an environment where the TCP/IP protocol can be used.

“Fatal error has occurred in the scanner.”

An unrecoverable error is occurring on the machine.

Consider repairing the machine.

“Insufficient memory. Close all other applications, then restart scanning.”

Other applications are running on the computer, and the amount of free memory is insufficient.

  • Close applications on the computer.

  • If the same message is displayed when no other applications are running after starting the computer, uninstall the TWAIN driver, restart the computer, and then install the TWAIN driver again.

“Insufficient memory. Reduce the scanning area.”

The memory allocated for the scanner function is insufficient.

  • Reduce the scan size or resolution. You may be able to resolve the error also by reducing the brightness value when Duotone (black and white) or a high resolution is specified.

  • Specify [No Compression] on [Initial Settings][Compression] tab in the TWAIN driver.

“Invalid Winsock version. Please use version 1.1 or higher.”

Winsock is corrupted.

Restore Winsock on the computer.

“Scanner is not available. Check the scanner connection status.”

The power of the machine is not turned on, or the machine is not connected to the network correctly.

Check that the machine is turned on, and connected to the network correctly.

The firewall function is enabled on the computer.

Configure the firewall function of the computer to allow communication of the application used, or disable the firewall function.

The IP address of the machine could not be resolved from the host name.

Check that the host name of the machine is configured in Network Connection Tool that is installed with the TWAIN driver.

Installing the TWAIN Driver

The IPv6 address could not be obtained when only IPv6 is enabled on the machine.

Log in to Web Image Monitor in the administrator mode, and select [Active] in [IPv4] "LLMNR" under [Device Management][Configuration] "Network".

“Scanner is not available on the specified device.”

The TWAIN scanner function is disabled on the machine.

The TWAIN scanner function cannot be used.

“Scanner is not ready. Check the scanner and the options.”

The exposure glass cover or ADF is open.

Close the exposure glass cover or ADF.

“Scanning has been aborted because memory in Mainframe became full.”

The amount of available space on the hard disk of the machine is insufficient when scanning is performed with the [Read-ahead] check box selected in the TWAIN driver.

  • Clear the [Read-ahead] check box in the TWAIN driver.

  • Erase documents that are no longer needed from the machine.

“The device's authentication service cannot be performed.”

Authentication cannot be performed because the authentication service is starting up or busy.

  • When User Code or Basic authentication is specified, wait a while until processing the machine address is completed.

  • When Windows or LDAP authentication is specified, wait a while until the server becomes ready for processing. If authentication is not possible even after waiting for a while, consult your administrator.

“There is no response from the scanner. There may be a number of reasons for this, e.g. the data between the computer and scanner has been lost because of an increase in network traffic, the firewall in the virus protection software may be activated, or there might be problems with the hardware etc. If you can not fix this problem, please call service.”

The network is busy.

Wait a while.

The firewall function is enabled on the computer.

Configure the firewall function of the computer to allow communication of the application used, or disable the firewall function.

The machine or the computer is not connected to the network correctly.

Check that the machine or the computer is connected to the network correctly.

“User Authentication in SNMPv3 connection has failed.”

The authentication information is registered incorrectly in Network Connection Tool when SNMPv3 encrypted communication is enabled on the machine.

Register the SNMPv3 authentication information in Network Connection Tool that is installed on the computer with the TWAIN driver. For the SNMPv3 authentication information, consult your network administrator.

Installing the TWAIN Driver