User GuidePro C5300S/C5310S

Receiving E-Mail by Mail to Print

This section explains this machine's e-mail reception functions.

If a TIFF-F file is attached to an e-mail, the machine receives the e-mail by Internet Fax. If a JPEG or PDF file is attached to an e-mail, the machine receives the e-mail by Mail to Print.

When receiving multiple files

Only one attached file can be printed from a received e-mail.

When multiple files are attached to an e-mail, and the file that is printed vary according to the file type and the order of the attached files.

File type attached

File to be printed























If JPEG or PDF files are attached along with other types of file, the machine receives the e-mail by Mail to Print. Only the first JPEG or PDF file is printed and the other files are deleted.

When printing the attached file

The Fax Settings menu provides a User Parameter (switch 21, bit 2) that you can use to enable or disable the Mail to Print function. Text and TIFF files will still be printed even if this function is disabled.

List of Parameter Settings


  • PDF files whose version is 1.7 or earlier are printable. However, this machine might not be able to print PDF files if they were sent from certain machines or created in certain environments.

  • JPEG files in Exif format that are taken using a digital camera can be printed on A4 (81/2 × 11) size paper.

  • If a JPEG or PDF file is received when the Mail to Print function is disabled, the file will be detected as an error and Error Mail Notification is sent back to the sender.

  • If an e-mail contains multiple or unsupported files, its reception result is detected as an error, but an error notification is not sent to the sender.

  • Printing is in black and white even if the image that is received contains color by mail to print.

  • Printed JPEG images and PDF files are counted as printer jobs.

  • If an encrypted PDF is received, the PDF file is printed only if its password matches this machine's password.

  • When receiving by Mail to Print, this machine does not respond to reception notification requests attached to the received e-mail.

  • You can receive e-mail messages with an attached TIFF-F image from computers.

Auto E-Mail Reception

When this function is turned on, the machine periodically checks the e-mail server for incoming e-mail and downloads it as necessary.

E-mail auto-reception should be set in [System Settings]. When you select auto-reception, set the reception interval in minutes under [Email Reception Interval] in [System Settings].

Preparing the Machine to Send Internet Faxes


  • If memory runs out, e-mail will not be received at the specified intervals. Reception will resume when sufficient memory becomes available.

Manual E-Mail Reception

Use this function to receive an e-mail by accessing the e-mail server manually.

Program the Manual Email RX function to a Quick Operation Key beforehand.

Preparing the Machine to Send Internet Faxes

1Press [Manual Email RX].

Operation panel screen illustration

The machine accesses the server to check for e-mail and receives any new e-mail.

2Check the message, and then press [Exit].

Images of E-Mail Received on a Computer

When you send a fax to an e-mail address (specified as an e-mail or Internet Fax destination), the subject and messages of the e-mail are shown as follows.

The received image varies according to the e-mail application.

OS screen illustration numbered callout illustration
  1. E-mail transmitted without specifying a subject in [TX Mode].

  2. E-mail transmitted with a subject specified in [TX Mode].

  3. From

    The name (e-mail address) of the sender

  4. Date

    The date and time of e-mail transmission

  5. To

    The e-mail address of the recipient

  6. Subject

    Shows the subject specified in [TX Mode] at the time of transmission. If no subject is specified, one is automatically assigned in the format shown in 1 above.

  7. Attachment File

    Any document included by the sender is displayed as an attached document.

  8. Message

    The following information is always inserted in the e-mail text:

    "This E-mail was sent from "Host Name" (product name) Queries to: "Administrator's e-mail address""

    You can check the machine's host name and administrator's e-mail address in [Host Name] and [Administrator's Email Address] on the System Settings menu. For details about [Host Name], see User Guide of your device.


    Send (Email/Folder)


  • The display format of the sender name differs according to that of the Stamp Sender Name setting and other functions.

  • The display format of the subject varies according to Stamp Sender Name and other settings. For the format of the subject, see Auto-Generated Subjects for E-Mail.

Functions Not Available for Mail to Print Reception

Some functions are supported with standard fax and IP-Fax reception, but not with Mail to Print reception.

Function availability is as follows:


Available/Not available

Immediate Reception

Not available

SEP Code Reception

Not available

Closed Network Code

Not available

Page Reduction

Not available

Checkered Mark

Not available

TSI Print (Transmitting Subscriber Identification Print)

Not available

Reception Time

Not available

Auto Fax Reception Power-Up

Not available

Memory Lock Reception

Not available

Multi-Copy Reception

Not available

Special Sender

  • Authorized Reception per Sender

  • RX File Print Qty per Sender

  • Memory Lock RX per Sender

Not available

Special Sender

  • Forwarding per Sender

  • Print 2 Sided per Sender

  • Paper Tray per Sender

Not available


Not available

Page Separation and Length Reduction

Not available

Center Mark

Not available

Image Rotation

Not available

Combine Two Originals

Not available

2 Sided Print

Not available

Paper Tray

Not available

Communication Page Count

Not available


Not available

Auto Paper Select

Not available

Printing on paper from the bypass tray

Not available

Just size printing

Not available