Suspending/Resuming Print Jobs
Working with Jobs > Suspending/Resuming Print Jobs

Suspending Print Jobs

You can suspend a print job listed on the Current/Waiting Jobs page.

  1. On the Current/Waiting Jobs page, select the check box of the print job you want to suspend (you can select only one).


    • If there are any jobs after the selected job, the subsequent jobs are also suspended.
  2. Click Suspend Printing in the upper left of the page.
    A confirmation message about suspending the job appears.


    • The Suspend Printing button is not displayed if there is a job whose status is indicated as Suspended in the list.
  3. Click OK.
    The selected job and any subsequent jobs are suspended.

For details about the Current/Waiting Jobs page

Resuming Suspended Jobs (Current/Waiting Jobs Page)

You can resume a suspended job displayed on the Current/Waiting Jobs page.

  1. On the Current/Waiting Jobs page, click Resume Printing in the upper left of the page.
    A confirmation message about resuming the job appears.


    • The Resume Printing button is not displayed if there is no job whose status is indicated as Suspended.
  2. Click OK.
    Suspended jobs are now all resumed.

For details about the Current/Waiting Jobs page

Resuming Suspended Jobs (Printer Job History Page)

You can resume a suspended job displayed on the Printer Job History page.

  1. On the Printer Job History page, select the job you want to resume.


    • You can resume a print job only if its status is Waiting for Job Suspension... or Job Suspended.
  2. Click Resume in the upper left of the page.
    A confirmation message about resuming the selected jobs appears.
  3. Click OK.
    The jobs are now resumed.

For details about the Printer Job History page


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