Edit Icons: Home Screen/Edit Icons: Home Screen per User
Device Management > Device Home Management > Edit Icons: Home Screen
Customize Screen per User > Edit Icons: Home Screen/Edit Icons: Home Screen per User

You can customize the home screen on the device control panel.
You can edit (add, delete, or move) icons to be displayed on the home screen.
In Edit Icons: Home Screen, configure the home screen settings when the user authentication is not set or you are logged in as an administrator.
In Edit Icons: Home Screen per User, configure the home screen settings per user when the user authentication is set.




  1. Property Area
  2. Home Screen Display Area
  3. Page View Area

Property Area

Icon Property

Displays detailed information about the selected icons.

Recycle Bin
Drag and drop the selected icon to the recycle bin.

Home Screen Display Area

Configure settings for the home screen on the device's control panel.

Operation Method



Drag and drop the icon to the position you like.
If you move the icon to an another page, drag the icon to the/on the top or bottom of the page, or to a page you like on the page view area.


Click the empty icon to open the Add Icons page and then select an icon you want to add.

For details about the Add Icons page


Drag and drop the icon to the recycle bin on the property area.

Simplified Screen / Normal Screen

Select the display format.

Page View Area

You can view all home screens.
You can register icons up to 9 pages on the simplified screen display or 6 pages on the normal screen display.


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Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


Click to return to the Device Home Management or Home page.


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