Protect File: Permissions for Users/Groups
Device Management > Address Book > Add User (Detail Input) > Protect File: Permissions for Users/Groups
Device Management > Address Book > Change User (Detail Input) > Protect File: Permissions for Users/Groups

Specify whether to permit other users/groups to access files created by the user being added or edited. To give access, assign the access privilege to each or all users/groups.



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All Users

Select the privilege you want to grant to all users.

Privilege Type Read-only Edit Edit/Delete Full Control
View file info yes yes yes yes
Print file yes yes yes yes
Download file yes yes yes yes
Change print settings no yes yes yes
Delete page no yes yes yes
Delete file no no yes yes
Change access privilege no no no yes
Change owner no no no yes



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You can give privileges to a specific user(s) or group(s) to access files owned by the user or group being added or edited.

Page control buttons

Click the buttons above the list to change the display page.
The total number of pages and current page number are displayed between the Go to the previous page. button and the Go to the next page. button.

Go to the first page. button

Displays the first page.

Go to the previous page. button

Displays the previous page.

Go to the next page. button

Displays the next page.

Go to the last page. button

Displays the last page.

Page box and Go button

Displays the specified page. Enter the number of the page in the Page box, and then click Go to display it.

Number of Registered

Displays the number of users and groups registered to the Address Book.

List of display items

To assign access privileges, select the check box to the right of the user or group.
Items displayed in the list are as follows:

Registration No.

Displays a user- or group-specific number assigned when the user or group is registered to the Address Book. The User icon to the left of the registration No. indicates a user. The Group icon indicates a group.


Displays the name of the user or group.


Specify whether to give the Read-only privilege.


Specify whether to give the Edit privilege.


Specify whether to give the Edit/Delete privilege.

Full Control

Specify whether to give the Full Control privilege.



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Click to apply the settings and return to the previous page.


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For details about the procedure (Changing User Information)
For details about the procedure (Adding Users)
For details about the procedure (Changing Group Information)
For details about the procedure (Adding Groups)