Changing Group Information
Working with the Address Book > Changing Group Information

Changing Group Information in the Address Book

Follow the procedure below to change the registered group information.


  1. On the Address List (Display All Items) or Address List (Display Specified No. of Items) page, click the option button of the group to be changed.
  2. Click Change in the upper left of the page.
    The Change Group page appears.
  3. Change the registered group information.
  4. Click OK.
    The group information is changed and the previous page reappears.


    • Click Save and Add Another to display the Add Group page, where you can register a new group.

For details about the Address List (Display All Items) page
For details about the Address List (Display Specified No. of Items) page
For details about the Change Group page
For details about the Central Address Book Management (Management Server) page


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