Change User (Detail Input)
Device Management > Address Book > Change User (Detail Input)

Use this page to change the information of registered users.


Registration No.

Displays the registration number set for the user. You can enter a value between 1 and 50000.


Displays the user name. You can enter up to 20 characters.

Key Display

Displays the name shown on the machine's control panel. You can enter up to 16 characters.


Display Priority

Specify a display priority of the user/group in the Address List (Display All Items). "1" is the highest priority, and the higher the value, the lower the priority.
If you click the Display Priority title in the list header, the address list is sorted in the display priority order.


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Title 1

Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 1.

Title 2

Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 2.

Title 3

Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 3.

Add to Freq.

Select whether to register to the Freq. page.

Authentication Information

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Authentication Info at Login

Enter the information set for User Authentication Management.


User Code

Displays the user code. You can enter up to eight digits.

Login User Name

Displays the user name set for Basic Authentication, Windows Authentication, LDAP Authentication, or Integration Server Authentication. You can use up to 32 alphanumeric characters. However, you cannot use double quotes ("), colons (:), or spaces.

Login Password

To change the password, click Change. When the Change Password of Authentication Info at Login page appears, enter the password you want to use.

For details about the Change Password of Authentication Info at Login page

SMTP Authentication

Specify the user name and password set for sending email.

Use Auth. Info at Login

The user name and password specified for Authentication Info at Login above are used.

Specify Other Auth. Info below:

Other information not applicable to Do not Specify or Use Auth. Info at Login is used for authentication.
Enter the user name set for sending email in the Login User Name box. You can use up to 191 alphanumeric characters. Spaces cannot be used.
To set a password, click Change. When the Change SMTP Authentication Password page appears, enter the password you want to use.

For details about the Change SMTP Authentication Password page

Do not Specify

The SMTP user name and password set on the device are used.

Folder Authentication

Specify the user name and password for accessing the shared folder.

Use Auth. Info at Login

The user name and password specified for Authentication Info at Login above are used.

Specify Other Auth. Info below:

Other information not applicable to Do not Specify or Use Auth. Info at Login is used for authentication.
Enter the user name set for accessing the folder in the Login User Name box. If FTP is used, you can enter up to 64 alphanumeric characters. If SMB is used, you can also enter up to 64 characters. To set a password, click Change. When the Change Folder Authentication Password page appears, enter the password you want to use.

For details about the Change Folder Authentication Password page

Do not Specify

The user name and password for Folder Authentication set on the device are used.

LDAP Authentication

Specify the user name and password for LDAP Authentication.

Use Auth. Info at Login

The user name and password specified for Authentication Info at Login above are used.

Specify Other Auth. Info below:

Other information not applicable to Do not Specify or Use Auth. Info at Login is used for authentication.
Enter the user name set for LDAP Authentication in the Login User Name box. You can use up to 128 alphanumeric characters.
To set a password, click Change. When the Change LDAP Authentication Password page appears, enter the password you want to use.

For details about the Change LDAP Authentication Password page

Do not Specify

The LDAP user name and password set on the device are used.

Available Functions

Select the check box of the function to be made available to a user.


Select Active to forcibly lock out the user.
Select Inactive to disable the lockout.


Print Volume Use

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Configure the print volume use settings.
Print volume is counted in units. A "unit" is a per-page numerical value that you can assign to print functions (Printer/Copier). Specifying unit counts allows you to restrict user printing according to print function (Printer or Copier). For example: if you specify a unit count of "5" for Printer/Black & White, a user with 100 units can print 20 sheets (20 sheets @ 5 units per sheet for the Printer function). Use the following formula to calculate a print volume limit: number of pages to be printed x unit count per page. To specify unit counts and print volume limits, use the Print Volume Use Limitation page.

For details about the Print Volume Use Limitation page


Print Volume Use Limitation

Specify whether or not to apply print volume limits based on unit count.


Limit Value

Specify in units the total volume printable by the user. You can enter a value between 0 and 999,999. To deny printing, specify "0".

Volume Used

Displays in units the total volume printed by the user to date.
Click Clear to reset the volume to "0".

Previous Volume Used

Displays the previous total volume printed by the user.

Last Reset Date

Displays the date and time when Volume Used was last reset.



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Use Name as

Select whether the user is set as the destination or sender for email sending or for file transfer to shared folders.
Select either the Destination or Sender check box depending on whether the user is set as the destination or sender. If the user is set as both, select both check boxes.

Protect Destination

You can limit availability of the user through a protection code or restricted access privileges.

Protection Object

Select the check box of the item you want to protect using a protection code.
If Sender is selected, a message appears prompting you to enter the protection code when specifying this user as the email sender. If Folder Destination is selected, you are prompted to enter the protection code when specifying this user as the destination folder to which files are transferred.


  • You can select Sender if Sender is selected for Use Name as.
    You can select Folder Destination if Destination is selected for Use Name as.

Protection Code

To set a protection code, click Change. When the Change Protection Code page appears, enter the code you want to set.

For details about the Change Protection Code page

Access Privilege

To set access privileges for user information registered to the Address Book, click Change. When the Protect Destination: Permissions for Users/Groups page appears, set the access privilege.

For details about the Protect Destination: Permissions for Users/Groups page

Protect File(s)

You can limit access to files created by this user.

Access Privilege

To set access privileges for files, click Change. When the Protect File: Permissions for Users/Groups page appears, set the file's access privilege.

For details about the Protect File: Permissions for Users/Groups page


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Displays the settings for sending a document scanned by the fax function.

Fax Destination

Displays the destination's fax number. If Select line is set to H.323 or SIP, displays the computer's IP address or host name to which files are sent by IP fax.


If you specify the fax number:

You can enter up to 128 characters consisting of digits and symbols (*, #, -, and T).

If you specify the destination of IP fax transmission:

You can enter up to 128 characters consisting of digits and symbols.


  • Symbols that can be used are:
    ; ? : & = + $ , - _ . ! ~ * # ' ( ) % / @ [ ]
  • These settings are enabled only if the device supports IP-Fax.
  • IPv4-mapped addresses cannot be set.

Select line

Select the line used for transmission.

Advanced Features

Transmission SUB code

Displays the SUB code to be used for SUB code transmission. You can use up to 20 characters consisting of digits, symbols (* and #), and spaces. The first character cannot be a space.

Password (SID)

Displays the password to be used for SUB code transmission. You can use up to 20 characters consisting of digits, symbols (* and #), and spaces.

Reception SEP code

Displays the SEP code to be used for SEP code reception. You can use up to 20 characters consisting of digits, symbols (* and #), and spaces. The first character cannot be a space.

Password (PWD)

Displays the password to be used for SEP code reception. You can use up to 20 characters consisting of digits, symbols (* and #), and spaces.


  • You have to enter the SUB code in Transmission SUB code to use SUB code transmission. You have to enter the SEP code in Reception SEP code to use SEP code reception.
  • Specify passwords in Password (PWD) and Password (SID) if necessary.

International Transmission Mode

Select whether to use International Transmission Mode.

Fax Header

Select the fax header printed on the receiver's paper.


Label Insertion

Select whether to use label insertion. With this function you can have the receiver name and a standard message printed at the top of the receiver's paper.

1st Line (Print receiver's name)

Prints the user name specified in the Name box, preceding it with "To". When On is selected in the Label Insertion list, the 1st line is always printed.

2nd Line

For the 2nd line, select *No Stamp, Custom Message, a standard message, or a programmed message. When Custom Message is selected, enter text in the box below. You can enter up to 28 characters.

3rd Line

For the 3rd line, select *No Stamp, a standard message, or a programmed message.


  • The label text specified in the area is also printed on the receiver's paper at Internet Fax transmission.
  • A message printed on the 2nd or 3rd line can be programmed using Facsimile Features on the machine's control panel.


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Displays the settings for sending a document scanned using the scanner or fax function, via email transmission.

Email Address

Displays the email address of the user. You can enter up to 128 alphanumeric characters in this box.


Use Email Address for

Select the intended use of the email address.
Select Email / Internet Fax Destination if it is used as the destination of both email and Internet fax transmission. Select Internet Fax Destination Only if it is used as the destination of Internet fax only.

Send via SMTP Server

Select whether to bypass or send through the SMTP server when sending email.

User Certificate Status

Displays whether the user certificate is installed.

User Certificate

To set or change the user certificate, click Change.

For details about the Change User Certificate page


Select whether to encrypt all outgoing emails or to encrypt selectively.

Internet Fax Data Format

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Make the necessary settings for sending a fax via the Internet.


Select Mode

Select the Internet Fax transmission mode.

Full Mode

Two communicating devices can exchange information about functions they each support. After transmitting a fax to the other device, you receive device information about that device, so you can make subsequent fax transmissions with the appropriate paper size and resolution.

Simple Mode

Transmits A4 size files using a resolution of 200 dpi, or 200 x 100 dpi.

Compression Type

Select the compression type to be used at full mode transmission.

Paper size

Select the size of paper to be used at full mode transmission.


Select the resolution to be used at full mode transmission.


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By creating a shared folder on the network, you can transfer a file scanned by the scanner function to the shared folder.


Select the protocol for file transfer.

Port No.

Displays the port number used when transferring a file by FTP. You can enter a value between 1 and 65535. The default is 21.

Connection Type

Select the NetWare logon mode when sending by NCP.

Server Name

Displays the name of the connected server used when transferring a file by FTP. You can enter up to 64 characters.


Displays the shared folder path. You can enter up to 128 characters.

Add to Group

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Details of Group

To assign a group to the user, click Change. When the Add to Group page appears, specify the group to which the user belongs.

For details about the Add to Group page


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Click to apply the changes and display the Address List page.

Save and Add Another

Click to apply the changes and display the Add User page.


Click to cancel the changes.


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For details about the procedure (Changing User Information)