Print Volume Use Limitation
Device Management > Configuration > Device Settings > Print Volume Use Limitation

Use this page to configure user print volume limits.
To specify a print volume limit for each user, configure the detailed settings on the Change User (Detail Input) or Add User (Detail Input) page.

For details about the Change User (Detail Input) page
For details about the Add User (Detail Input) page


Machine Action When Limit is Reached

Machine Action When Limit is Reached

Specify how the machine responds when the user reaches his/her print volume limit.


Allow Continue Use

A message appears when the user reaches his/her print volume limit, but the user can continue to print.

Finish Job and Limit

A message appears when the user reaches his/her print volume limit, but printing continues till the current job is finished. Subsequent jobs from that user will be suspended.

Stop Job

The machine stops printing when the user reaches his/her print volume limit.

Print Volume Use Limitation: Unit Count Setting

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A "unit" is a per-page numerical value that you can assign to print functions (Printer/Copier). Specifying unit counts allows you to restrict user printing according to print function (Printer or Copier). For example: if you specify a unit count of "5" for Printer/Black & White, a user with 100 units can print 20 sheets (20 sheets @ 5 units per sheet for the Printer function). You can specify a unit count between 0 and 200. Note that if you specify "0", no unit count is applied and printing of the corresponding the print type will not be limited.


Enhanced Print Volume Use Limitation

Specify whether or not to restrict the print volume in the extended feature application.


Tracking Permission

Specify whether or not to notify the extended feature application of the tracking information.

Stop Printing

Specify whether or not to stop printing when the user reaches his/her print volume limit in the extended feature application.


Volume Use Counter: Scheduled/Specified Reset Settings

Specify whether to reset the volume use counter automatically.

Volume Use Counter: Scheduled/Specified Reset Settings

Specify when the counter should be reset.
If you click the Apply Settings button in Next Reset Date after specifying the reset date, the next reset date and time for the counter are displayed.


The counter is not reset

Specify Date

Resets the counter at a specified time. Specify values in Specified Reset Date and Reset Time.

Specify Cycle

Resets the counter at a specified time cycle. Specify values in Specified Reset Date, Cycle (Day), and Reset Time. Specified Reset Date is the day the counter will reset.

Every Month

Resets the counter once in month. Specify values in Reset Date and Reset Time.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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