User GuideIM 350/430 series

Unauthorized Copy Prevention / Data Security for Copying

When using the copier, Document Server, and printer functions, you can print documents with a text watermark embedded in the background or add the special background to documents so that the printed documents are grayed out when they are copied. These backgrounds of printed documents are called embedded patterns and they help discouraging or preventing unauthorized copying.

Using the Unauthorized Copy Prevention function

When the Unauthorized Copy Prevention function is enabled, documents are printed with the embedded text pattern specified on the machine. This embedded text pattern (any text string, such as "No Copying") appears in the background of the printed surface and discourages and prevents unauthorized copying.

To use the Unauthorized Copy Prevention function

  1. On the machine, enable printing of the embedded pattern. The settings must be configured by the machine administrator. For details about how to configure the setting, see Enabling Embedded Pattern Printing.

  2. Specify the settings for unauthorized copy prevention in the copier, Document Server, or printer function. The privilege to specify the setting depends on the setting specified in [Compulsory Unauthorized Copy Prevention]. For details, see Enabling Embedded Pattern Printing.

Using the Data Security for Copying function

By specifying the security pattern for the Data Security for Copying function, documents are printed with the security pattern embedded in the background. This embedded security pattern grays out the printed documents when it is copied and prevents leaks of the information on the documents. However, the Copy Data Security Unit is required for the copier and multi-function printer to gray out copied documents.

If the machine, with the Data Security for Copying function enabled, detects a document that is protected by the Data Security for Copying function, the machine will beep and keep a log of the unauthorized copying.

To use the Data Security for Copying function

  1. On the machine, enable the embedded pattern print setting. The settings must be configured by the machine administrator. For details about how to configure the setting, see Enabling Embedded Pattern Printing.

  2. Specify the settings for data security for copying in the copier, Document Server, or printer function. The privilege to specify the setting depends on the setting specified in [Compulsory Unauthorized Copy Prevention]. For details, see Enabling Embedded Pattern Printing.

  3. Configure the "Detect Data Security for Copying" setting for printed copies, so that documents are printed with gray overprint when they are illegally copied, faxed, scanned, or stored in the machine. The setting must be configured by the machine administrator. For details about how to configure the setting, see Enabling Detect Data Security for Copying.


  • When copying, the thickness of an embedded pattern may be uneven due to the original type setting. If this happens, change the original type setting to [Text] or [Photo].