User GuidePro C5300S/C5310S

Routing Received Documents

This section describes how to route received documents using SUB Codes or optional extra G3 line.


  • When the destination specified as a routing destination is updated using the central address book management function, the spooled documents are routed to the following destinations:

    • When the destination is specified as a fax, IP-Fax, Internet Fax, or e-mail destination, the documents are routed to the destination before updating.

    • When the destination is specified as a folder destination, the documents are routed to the destination after updating.

Routing received documents with SUB Code

This machine can route received documents using SUB Codes.

When a document is received, its SUB Code is compared to SUB Codes programmed in Personal Boxes, and if a match is found, the document is routed to the destination whose SUB Code is specified.

If the destination specified is an e-mail address, the received document is routed to that destination as e-mail.

You cannot specify a group as the receiver.

You can route documents received from any fax machine, regardless of manufacturer.

You must set the Personal Box and register a delivery destination beforehand. Personal Boxes can be programmed in [Box Setting] in the Fax Settings menu.

Setting Up a Personal Box

Illustration of routing received documents with SUB Code

Routing received documents utilizing extra G3 lines

You can route received documents to pre-registered destinations according to the line used for reception.

To use this function, pre-registered the following settings:

For G3-1 line

  • Register a Personal Box or Transfer Box with the SUB Code "1" and register a receiver or receiving station.

  • Select "On" for User Parameter (switch 32, bit 4).

For G3-2 line

  • Register a Personal Box or Transfer Box with the SUB Code "2" and register a receiver or receiving station.

  • Select "On" for User Parameter (switch 32, bit 5).

For G3-3 line

  • Register a Personal Box or Transfer Box with the SUB Code "3" and register a receiver or receiving station.

  • Select "On" for User Parameter (switch 32, bit 6).

You can register the fax, IP-Fax, Internet Fax, e-mail, or folder destination as a routing destination.

For details about Personal Box and Transfer Box, see Using the Expanded Line to Distribute Documents per Receiving Line.

For details about Parameter Setting, see List of Parameter Settings.

For details about the optional units required for this function, see Functions Requiring Optional Configurations.


  • When the dialed number matches the SUB Code programmed in the Personal Box, if the destinations are not programmed, this function does not work.

  • Documents received through Internet Fax and IP-Fax cannot be routed.