Interface Settings
Device Management > Configuration > Interface > Interface Settings

Use this page to enter administrative information related to the machine's interfaces.
Some items are for reference only and cannot be changed.
To configure settings for the wireless LAN board, use the Wireless LAN Settings page.

For details about the Wireless LAN Settings page


  • Settings on this page can be changed by the following administrators:
    • Network Administrator (LAN Type, Ethernet, and Bluetooth)
    • Machine Administrator (USB)
  • Some items may not appear depending on machine type or configuration.


LAN Type

Switch the interface between Ethernet and wireless LAN. This is available only if the device supports both interfaces.



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Displays network interface board information. This information appears when a network interface board is installed.


Displays Ethernet operation status.

MAC Address

Displays the MAC address (Media Access Control Address) of the network interface board.

Ethernet Security

Specify whether or not to use IEEE 802.1X as an authentication method to protect data communication.
To configure detailed settings, use the IEEE 802.1X page.

For details about the IEEE 802.1X page

Ethernet Speed

Specify an ethernet communication speed. Auto Select: Disable 1Gbps is selected by default. This allows the device to select the optimum speed.
Select Auto Select: Enable 1Gbps if you want to enable a communication speed of 1Gbps. However, the Auto Select: Enable 1Gbps setting will consume more power than the Auto Select: Disable 1Gbps setting in the energy saver mode.
If communication with the device fails, select 10Mbps Full Duplex, 10Mbps Half Duplex, 100Mbps Full Duplex, or 100Mbps Half Duplex.


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Configure settings related to the Bluetooth board. This information appears when a Bluetooth board is installed.


Specify whether communication using Bluetooth is active or inactive.

Operation Mode

Select the Bluetooth operation mode.


You can establish the connection by searching for a Bluetooth adaptor or Bluetooth-equipped computer.


You can establish the connection when registering the machine with utility. A Bluetooth adaptor or Bluetooth-equipped computer that has not registered the machine cannot be searched for.


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Configure USB settings.


Specify whether data transfer via USB is active or inactive.

USB Host

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This appears when data transfer via USB is active and the device supports USB Host.

USB Host

Displays whether USB Host function is active or inactive.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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