Device Management > Configuration > Network > BMLinkS

Make necessary settings for the BMLinkS print service.
With the BMLinkS print service, you can search for devices compatible with BMLinkS using the BMLinkS Printer Driver, and then transfer print jobs to them.



Select whether to enable or disable the BMLinkS print service. The default is Enable.

BMLinkS Management Service

Select whether or not to enable or disable all of the BMLinkS management services (Log Service, Monitoring Service, and Management Service).

Device Name

Enter the name to be used to identify the device when the BMLinkS print service is used. You can enter up to 31 characters. This name appears as a service name on the BMLinkS Printer Driver. The default is the device model name.


Printing Method

Select whether to enable or disable BMLinkS printing of Locked Print jobs.

Locked Print Only

Print Locked Print jobs only.

Normal Print Only

Print normal print jobs only. When this is selected, Locked Print jobs cannot be printed.

Normal Print & Locked Print

Print both normal and Locked Print jobs.


Enter the name of the country where the device is located. You can enter up to 16 characters. A country name can be entered as the Location search condition when searching for BMLinkS print service using the BMLinkS Printer Driver. The default differs depending on the country where you bought the device.


Enter the name of the organization where the device is located. You can enter up to 64 characters. An organization name can be entered as the Location search condition when searching for BMLinkS print service using the BMLinkS Printer Driver.


Enter the name of the branch where the device is located. You can enter up to 64 characters. A branch name can be entered as the Location search condition when searching for BMLinkS print service using the BMLinkS Printer Driver.


Enter the name of the building where the device is located. You can enter up to 64 characters. A building name can be entered as the Location search condition when searching for BMLinkS print service using the BMLinkS Printer Driver.


Enter the number of the floor where the device is located. You can enter up to 32 characters. A floor number can be entered as the Location search condition when searching for BMLinkS print service using the BMLinkS Printer Driver.


Enter the name of the block where the device is located. You can enter up to 32 characters. A block name can be entered as the Location search condition when searching for BMLinkS print service using the BMLinkS Printer Driver.

Print Data Reception Timeout

Enter the period of time after which reception is canceled without printing when data sent from a BMLinkS Printer Driver is not received properly. You can enter a value between 30 and 65535. The default is 900.


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Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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