Use this page to configure IPsec.
- Settings on this page can be changed by the following administrator:
Select whether to enable or disable IPsec communications.
Exclude HTTPS Communication
Select whether or not to exclude HTTPS communications from IPsec communications.
- If you select Exclude HTTPS Communication, you can still change settings over the Web even if the IPsec settings contain errors.
When this is selected, communications are secured by SSL, and IPP-SSL printing is also allowed because port 443 is excluded.
Encryption Key Manual Settings
Select whether to enable or disable Encryption Key Manual Settings.
Encryption Key Manual Settings
This method requires both sender and receiver to configure their encryption key settings manually.
List of display items
The list contains the following items:
- Settings 1 - 4 are the IPsec settings for communicating with specified peers.
- The Default Settings are the IPsec settings for communicating with non-specified peers.
Address Type
This field displays the address type used for IPsec communications.
Local Address
This field displays the machine's IP address.
- If the address type is Inactive, "---" appears in the Local Address field.
- Under Default Settings, All Addresses appears in the Local Address field.
Remote Address
This field displays the IP address of the destination peer.
- If the address type is Inactive, "---" appears in the Remote Address field.
- Under Default Settings, All Addresses appears in the Remote Address field.
This field displays the security protocol for IPsec communications.
Click to open the Encryption Key Manual Settings (Settings 1 to 4)/(Default Settings) page.
For details about the Encryption Key Manual Settings (Settings 1 to 4) page
For details about the Encryption Key Manual Settings (Default Settings)page
Encryption Key Auto Exchange Settings
This method auto configures the encryption key settings of both sender and receiver.
Certificate Status
This field displays the current status of the IPsec certificate.
List of display items
The list contains the following items:
- Settings 1 - 4 are the IPsec settings for communicating with specified peers.
- The Default Settings are the IPsec settings for communicating with non-specified peers.
Address Type
This field displays the address type used for IPsec communications.
Local Address
This field displays the IP address of the machine.
- If the address type is Inactive, "---" appears in the Local Address field.
- Under Default Settings, All Addresses appears in the Local Address field.
Remote Address
This field displays the IP address of the destination peer.
- If the address type is Inactive, "---" appears in the Remote Address field.
- Under Default Settings, All Addresses appears in the Remote Address field.
This field displays the security protocol for IPsec communications.
Click to open the Encryption Key Auto Exchange Settings (Settings 1 to 4)/(Default Settings) page.
For details about the Encryption Key Auto Exchange Settings (Settings 1 to 4) page
For details about the Encryption Key Auto Exchange Settings (Default Settings) page
Click to update the currently displayed information.
- Before making the settings, click Refresh to obtain the machine's current status.
Click to apply the settings.
Click to cancel the settings.