Use this page to register new users.
Displays the registration number set for the user. You can enter a value between 1 and 50000.
Enter the user name. You can enter up to 20 characters.
Enter the reading for the name above. You can enter up to 8 characters.
Enter the name shown on the machine's control panel. You can enter up to 16 characters.
Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 1.
Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 2.
Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 3.
Select whether to register to the Freq. page.
Enter the information set for User Authentication Management.
Enter the user code. You can enter up to eight digits.
Enter the user name set for Basic Authentication, Windows Authentication, LDAP Authentication, or Integration Server Authentication. Remember, you cannot use double quotes ("), colons (:), or spaces.
To change the password, click Change. When the Change Password of Authentication Info at Login page appears, enter the password you want to use.
For details about the Change Password of Authentication Info at Login pageSelect the check box of the function to be made available to a user.
Select Active to forcibly lock out the user.
Select Inactive to disable the lockout.
Configure the print volume use settings.
Print volume is counted in units. A "unit" is a per-page numerical value that you can assign to paper sizes and color mode (Full Color/Black & White). Specifying unit counts allows you to restrict user printing according to the combination of paper size and color mode.
For example: if you specify a unit count of "5" for Black & White: A3/DLT, a user with 100 units can print 20 sheets (20 sheets @ 5 units per sheet for black & white A3).
Use the following formula to calculate a print volume limit: number of pages to be printed x unit count per page.
Specify whether or not to apply print volume limits based on unit count.
Specify in units the total volume printable by the user. You can enter a value between 0 and 999,999. To deny printing, specify "0".
Displays in units the total volume printed by the user.
Displays the previous total volume printed by the user.
Displays the date and time of the last reset of Volume Used.
You can limit availability of the user through restricted access privileges.
To set access privileges for user information registered to the Address Book, click Change. When the Protect Destination: Permissions for Users/Groups page appears, set the access privilege.
For details about the Protect Destination: Permissions for Users/Groups pageTo assign a group to the user, click Change. When the Add to Group page appears, specify the group to which the user belongs.
For details about the Add to Group pageClick to apply the changes and display the Address List page.
Click to apply the changes and reset all values set on this page to default.
Click to cancel the settings.