User GuideIM 550/600 series

List of "System" (Printer Settings) Compatibility Setting Items

This shows the list of setting items that are displayed on the [Printer Settings][System] tab in the [Classic] type setting screen.

To specify the settings for a function in the [Standard] type setting screen, see the table below for the menu location and names of the items in the [Standard] type setting screen that are equivalent to those in the [Classic] type setting screen.

Classic item name

Standard menu location/item name

Print Error Report

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][Print Error Report]

Auto Continue

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][Auto Continue]

Store and Skip Errored Job

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][Store and Skip Errored Job]

Memory Overflow

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][Memory Overflow]

Error Display Setting

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][Error Display Setting]

Auto Cancel Confirmation for PDL Error Job

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][Auto Cancel Confirmation for PDL Error Job]

Auto Cancel for Print Job(s) on Error

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][Auto Cancel for Print Job(s) on Error]

Job Separation

[Tray/Paper Settings][Printer][Job Separation]

[Printer Settings][System][Paper In/Out][Job Separation]

Rotate by 180 Degrees

[Tray/Paper Settings][Printer][Rotate by 180 Degrees]

[Printer Settings][System][Paper In/Out][Rotate by 180 Degrees]

Print Compressed Data

[Printer Settings][System][Print Settings][Print Compressed Data]

Memory Usage

[Printer Settings][System][Memory][Memory Usage]


[Printer Settings][System][Print Settings][2 Sided Print]


[Printer Settings][System][Print Settings][Copies]

Blank Page Print

[Printer Settings][System][Print Settings][Blank Page Print]

Edge Smoothing

[Printer Settings][System][Print Quality][Edge Smoothing]

Toner Saving

[Printer Settings][System][Print Quality][Toner Saving]

Reserved Job Waiting Time

[Printer Settings][System][Print Settings][Reserved Job Waiting Time]

Printer Language

[Printer Settings][System][Emulation][Printer Language]

Sub Paper Size

[Tray/Paper Settings][Printer][Sub Paper Size]

[Printer Settings][System][Paper In/Out][Sub Paper Size]

Page Size

[Printer Settings][System][Print Settings][Page Size]

Letterhead Setting

[Tray/Paper Settings][Printer][Letterhead Setting]

[Printer Settings][System][Paper In/Out][Letterhead Setting]

Tray Setting Priority

[Tray/Paper Settings][Printer][Tray Setting Priority]

[Printer Settings][System][Paper In/Out][Tray Setting Priority]

Edge to Edge Print

[Printer Settings][System][Print Settings][Edge to Edge Print]

Default Printer Language

[Printer Settings][System][Emulation][Default Printer Language]

Tray Switching

[Tray/Paper Settings][Printer][Tray Switching]

[Printer Settings][System][Paper In/Out][Tray Switching]

Extended Auto Tray Switching

[Tray/Paper Settings][Printer][Extended Auto Tray Switching]

Jobs Not Printed As Machn. Was Off

[Printer Settings][Data Management/Maintenance][Print Jobs][Jobs Not Printed as Machine Was Off]

Restrict Direct Print Jobs

[Printer Settings][Data Management/Maintenance][Print Jobs][Restrict Direct Print Jobs]

Auto Store Jobs without User Authent. Info

[Printer Settings][Data Management/Maintenance][Print Jobs][Auto Store Jobs Without User Authentication Information]

Switch Initial Screen

[Printer Settings][Data Management/Maintenance][Print Jobs][Switch Initial Screen]

Auto Cancel Print if Card Removed/No Units

[Printer Settings][Data Management/Maintenance][Administrator Tools][Auto Cancel Print if Card Removed/No Units]

When Exceeded Max. Number of Sheets for Stapling

[Printer Settings][System][Error Action][When Exceeded Max. Number of Sheets for Stapling]