User GuideIM 550/600 series

Making a Backup or Restoring the Address Book

You can save the backup data of the address book in a computer and restore it when required.

Use Web Image Monitor to create a backup of or restore the address book.


  • If administrator authentication is specified, use the user administrator account to create a backup of or restore the address book.

  • To prevent eavesdropping of the data, encrypt the address book data before making a backup.

  • The data registered or changed after the backup was created will be lost when you restore the address book.

When restoring the address book, the following information registered using the address book is initialized:




Programs using the destinations


Destination of the send result e-mail

Sender of sending documents

Box Setting Destinations of Personal Box

Box Setting Transfer Destinations of Personal Transfer Box

Reception File Settings Forwarding Destination

Reception File Settings Destination for Store Notification

Forwarding Destination in Program Special Sender

Notify destination of Folder Transfer Result Report

Stored Reception File User Setting

Receiver of Back Up Transmission Settings

Document Server

Access privilege to the stored files

Backing Up/Restoring the Address Book Using Control Panel (Settings Screen Type: Standard)


  • This describes the procedure when [Standard] is specified as the screen type of [Settings] and the version of RICOH Always Current Technology on the machine is v1.1 or later.

1Insert an SD card into the media slot in the upper left part of the control panel.

Control Panel illustration

2Press [Address Book] on the Home screen.

Operation panel screen illustration

3Press [Management] on the Address Book screen.

4Press [Back Up/Restore Address Book], and then backup or restore the address book.

To Backup

  • Press [Start Backup] to store the address book data.

  • Use the following procedure to encrypt the address book data:

    1. Select [Specify] in "Encryption Key".

    2. Enter an encryption key using up to 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters.

    3. Press [Start Backup].

    Be careful not to forget the encryption key entered here. You are required to enter it again when restoring the data.

To Restore

  • Press [Start Restore] to start the restoration process.

  • To restore the encrypted data of the address book, enter the encryption key specified when creating the backup, and then press [Start Restore].

5After backup or restoring, press [OK].

Backing Up/Restoring the Address Book Using Control Panel (Settings Screen Type: Classic)

1Insert an SD card into the media slot in the upper left part of the control panel.

Control panel illustration

2Press [Settings] on the Home screen.

Operation panel screen illustration

3Press [Machine Features Settings][System Settings][Administrator Tools] tab.

4Press [Backup/Restore: User Custom Settings & Address Book], and then backup or restore the address book.

To Backup

  • Press [Back Up], and then press [Start Backup] to store the address book data.

  • Use the following procedure to encrypt the address book data:

    1. Press [Specify][Change] in "Encryption Key".

    2. Enter an encryption key using up to 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters, and then press [OK].

    3. Press [Start Backup].

To Restore

  • Press [Restore], and then press [Start Restore] to start the restoration process.

  • Use the following procedure to restore the encrypted data of the address book.

    1. Press [Specify][Change] in "Encryption Key".

    2. Enter an encryption key using up to 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters, and then press [OK].

    3. Press [Start Restore].

5After backup or restoring, press [Exit], and then press [Home] (Operation panel screen illustration).

Backing Up/Restoring the Address Book Using Web Image Monitor

1Start the Web browser.

2Enter "http://(IP address of the machine) or (host name)/" in the address bar of the Web browser.

3On the top page of Web Image Monitor, click [Login].

Web browser screen illustration

4Enter the login user name and password of the administrator, and then click [Login].

5Click [Address Book] from the [Device Management] menu.

Web browser screen illustration

6On the "Address List" screen, click [Maintenance].

Web browser screen illustration

7Backup or restore the address book.

Web browser screen illustration

To backup

  • Click [Backup] and specify the location to store the address book data, and the "Devicename_addr.udf" file is stored.

  • To encrypt the address book data, enter an encryption key using up to 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters, and then click [Backup]. Be careful not to forget the encryption key entered here. You are required to enter it again when restoring the data.

To restore

  • Click [Restore] and select the backup data of the address book to start the restoration process.

  • To restore the encrypted data of the address book, enter the encryption key specified when creating the backup, and then click [Restore].

8After backup or restoring, click [Logout], and then close Web Image Monitor.