User GuideIM 350/430 series

Configuring PDFs with Electronic Signatures

This machine can create PDFs with electronic signatures. PDFs with electronic signatures certify the creator of the PDF document and the date and time of creation. Tampering is also prevented because tampered documents can be detected.

In order to create PDFs with electronic signatures, first select the certificate to use for the signature from the device certificates that have been created and installed.

As the device certificate, you can use a self-signed certificate created by the machine or a certificate issued by a certificate authority. For details about creating and installing a device certificate, see Protecting Communication Paths via a Device Certificate.


  • To create digitally signed PDFs, you must first specify [Administrator's Email Address] in [File Transfer] in [System Settings].

  • To use the device certificate for digitally signed PDFs, you must first specify the administrator's e-mail address so that it is the same as that registered as "Administrator's Email Address" in [System Settings].

Select the certificate to use for signatures using a web browser from networked computers. (We use Web Image Monitor installed on this machine.)

1Open a web browser from a networked computer, and then log in to Web Image Monitor as the network administrator.

For details on how to log in, see Administrator Login Method.

2Point to [Device Management], and then click [Configuration].

3Click [Device Certificate] under "Security".

4Select the certificate to be used for the electronic signature from the drop-down list box in "PDF Digital Signature" or "PDF/A Digital Signature" under "Certification".

PDF Digital Signature: This can be attached to PDFs in formats other than PDF/A.

PDF/A Digital Signature: This can be attached to PDFs in the PDF/A format.

5Click [OK].

6“Updating...” appears. Wait for about 1 or 2 minutes, and then click [OK].

If the previous screen does not appear again after you click [OK], wait for a while, and then click the web browser's refresh button.

7Log out.

For details about logging out, see Administrator Logout Method.


  • If the selected device certificate expires, signatures cannot be attached to PDFs. Select a certificate that is within its valid period.

  • The signature algorithm for the device certificate's digital signature that can be attached to PDF/A files is "sha1WithRSA-1024".