Default Settings for Normal Screens on Device
Device Management > Configuration > Scanner > Default Settings for Normal Screens on Device

Configure and save the default settings of the scanner application that is normally displayed on the machine control panel.


Store File

Specify whether or not to store scan files in the Document Server.
Files stored in the Document Server can be sent by email or saved to folders. If you select Store to Memory Storage Device, you can store the scanned data to an SD card or a USB flash memory device.



Specify whether or not to display a preview of the scanned image.


Scan Settings

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Original Type

Specify the appropriate settings for the original type.



Specify the scan resolution.

Auto Density

The scanner automatically changes the threshold value when scanning a document that contains text areas of uneven density.

Dropout Color

You can remove a specific color from a scanned image by specifying the color. Available colors are Chromatic Color, Red, Green, and Blue.


Dropout Color Range to Erase

Specify the color range for the color selected in Dropout Color. Click Narrow to decrease the color range, or click Wide to increase the color range.

Send File Type

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Send File Type

Specify the format in which the scan files are sent.


OCR Cognitive Language

Select an OCR language to recognize the text which is embedded in scanned images.

Add Extracted Text to File Name

Specify whether or not to automatically name the PDF file scanned by OCR.
If you select On, this function uses OCR to analyze the text embedded in the scanned file and then adds the most proper strings to the file name.

Delete Blank Page

Generates an OCR-PDF with blank or almost blank sheets removed.
For the detecting level for blank sheet, you can specify it for OCR Scanned PDF: Blank Page Sensitivity in the Send Settings page.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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