Device Management > Configuration > Network > SMB

Configure settings related to SMB.



Specify whether SMB is active or inactive for the interface board.

General Settings


Displays IPv4 as the transport protocol used by SMB.


Workgroup Name

Enter the name of the workgroup the interface board belongs to.
The default is WORKGROUP. Up to 15 characters (excluding " * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] | and spaces) can be entered.

Computer Name

Enter the name for identifying the device when using SMB.
The default is RNP, followed by the MAC address of the network interface board or wireless LAN interface unit. Up to 15 characters (excluding " * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] | . and spaces) can be entered. If you change the name to other than the default, the new name cannot begin with "RNP" or "rnp". Be sure to assign a name that does not belong to another device in the network.


Enter the comment set for the interface board. Up to 31 characters can be entered. This is the same item as the Comment box on the Device Management - Configuration - Device Settings - System page.

Share Name

Displays the model name of the printer to which the interface board is installed.

Notify Print Completion

Select Active to receive notification of print completion.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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