Fax Parameter Settings
Device Management > Configuration > Fax > Fax Parameter Settings

Configure parameter settings as part of administrative settings for the fax function.
Parameter settings can be customized to specific requirement.


Just Size Printing

Specify whether to use just size printing.
With just size printing, a message appears prompting you to load paper without printing when paper of the right size for a received file is not available in the input tray.

Combine 2 Originals

Specify whether to use combine printing.
With combine printing, two pages of a received file are printed on one sheet of double size paper each.


Convert to PDF When Transferring to Folder

Specify whether to convert received data into a PDF file when transferring data to a folder. When On is selected, received data is converted into a PDF file, and then transferred to a folder.

Automatic Printing Report


Specify whether to automatically print a journal (communication management report).
The journal prints when the total number of communication jobs (transmission and reception) reaches 50.

Immediate Transmission Result Report

Specify whether to automatically print an immediate transmission result report.
The immediate transmission result report prints when transmission to the selected party's device is complete.

Communication Result Report

Specify whether to automatically print a communication result report.
The communication result report prints when memory transmission is complete.

Memory Storage Report

Specify whether to automatically print a memory storage report.
The memory storage report prints when memory storage is complete.

SEP Code RX Result Report

Specify whether to automatically print a SEP code RX result report.
The SEP code RX result report prints when SEP code reception is complete.

SEP Code RX Reserve Report

Specify whether to automatically print a SEP code RX reserve report.
The SEP code RX reserve report prints when creation of a SEP code reception file is complete.

Confidential File Report

Specify whether to automatically print a Confidential File Report.
A Confidential File Report is printed when a fax is received with the confidential communication mode.

LAN-Fax Result Report

Specify whether to automatically print a LAN-Fax result report.
The LAN-Fax result report prints if an invalid option is specified while communicating via LAN-Fax or an error occurs while communicating with a computer.

Inclusion of Part of Image

Specify whether to include a document image in a report.


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Configure settings related to the Internet Fax function.

Error Email Notification

Specify whether or not an error notification email is sent if an error occurs during receipt of email.
If you select On, an error notification email is sent.


Display Network Errors

Specify whether or not to display an error message if a network error occurs. If you select On, an error message is displayed.


Journal Notification by Email

Specify whether to automatically send a journal (communication management information) to an administrator's email address when the number of communications made reaches fifty. When On is selected, a journal of the previous fifty communications will be sent by email.


Response to RX Notice Request

Specify whether to send a reply when receipt notification email is requested from a sender.
When On is selected, a reply is sent automatically.

Select Destination Type Priority

Select a priority destination type when multiple destination types are registered for the destination specified in the Address Book.
There are four destination types: IP-Fax address, fax number, email address, and shared folder.
Select one of the following.


Paper Output

Priority order is IP-Fax address, fax number, email address, and shared folder.
For example, if an IP-Fax address is registered, data is sent to the IP-Fax address. If an IP-Fax address is not registered, data is sent to a fax number.

Electronic Output

Priority order is email address, shared folder, IP-Fax address, and fax number.
For example, if an email address is registered, data is sent to the email address. If an email address is not registered, data is sent to a shared folder.


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Click to cancel the settings.


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