Send / Reception Settings
Device Management > Configuration > Fax > Send / Reception Settings

Configure settings for Internet Fax transmission and Fax reception.


Transmission Settings

Maximum Email Size

Specify whether to limit Internet Fax transmissions according to maximum email size.
When On is selected, specify the maximum email size in Email Size below.

Email Size

Enter the maximum email size in kilobytes (128 to 102400 KB).

Reception Settings

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Switch Reception Mode

Select the reception mode if using standard G3 line.


Auto Reception

When a call comes in, the device automatically receives it as a fax. Use this setting for dedicated fax lines. If the call is voice, you must manually switch to telephone mode.

Manual Reception

When a call comes in, the device rings. If the call is a fax, you must manually switch to facsimile mode.

SMTP RX File Delivery Settings

Specify whether to deliver files received on an SMTP server using a fax line.
When On is selected, specify the authorized email address in Authorized Email Address below.


Authorized Email Address

Enter an email address. Up to 128 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Files sent from the email address entered here are delivered.
For example, if you specify "", email sent from addresses such as "" or "" will be delivered. Email sent from addresses that do not match the setting, for example "", will not be delivered.


  • When email is received from an email address that does not match the email addresses specified here, the email is deleted and an error message returned to the SMTP server. An error report is not produced even if the email is deleted.


Specify whether or not to encrypt fax-received data when sending it to an email address.


Specify whether or not to apply a digital signature when sending fax-received data to an email address.

2 Sided Print

Specify whether to duplex print fax-received data.


Checkered Mark

Specify whether to print a checkered mark on the first page of fax messages to help you separate multiple jobs.

Center Mark

Specify whether to print a center mark on fax messages, lists, and reports. The center mark position can be Center of Left Edge or Center of Top Edge of the paper.

Print Reception Time

Specify whether to print the time of receipt on fax messages. The print position is the bottom edge of the paper.

Reception File Print Quantity

Enter the number of copies you want to print. You can enter a number between 1 and 10 (copies).

Paper Tray

Select a paper tray for printing fax-received data.

Memory Lock Reception

Specify whether to use memory lock reception.
If memory lock reception is enabled, incoming faxes are stored in memory and do not print automatically. You need to enter a memory lock ID to print them.
To enable memory lock reception, you must first enter the ID in the Program Memory Lock ID box on the Configuration: Fax: Initial Settings page.


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Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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