User Lockout Policy
Device Management > Configuration > Security > User Lockout Policy

Use this page to configure settings for User Lockout.
The User Lockout function allows you to prohibit a user from logging in if s/he fails to enter a correct password a specified number of times. Once locked out, the user cannot login - even if s/he subsequently enters a correct password - until the lockout period elapses.



Specify whether to enable or disable the User Lockout function.


Number of Attempts before Lockout

Specify how many times a user can fail to log in before s/he is locked out.

Lockout Release Timer

Specify whether or not lockout will be automatically disabled after a specified period of time elapses.


Lock Out User for

Specify the period that must elapse before lockout is disabled and the user can reattempt login. You can enter a value between 1 and 9999 (minutes).


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Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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