Import/Export Device Setting Information
Device Management > Configuration > Device Settings > Import/Export Device Setting Information

Use this page to import and export the device setting information manually.


Export Device Setting Information

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Export the device setting information as a file.

Export Range

Select the setting information to be exported.

Device Unique Information

Specify whether or not to include device unique information in the setting information file to be exported.


Specify whether to encrypt the device information to be exported.

Encryption Key

Configure the encryption key to encrypt the obtained setting information.
Click the Change button to open the Change Encryption Key for Export page, and then specify it.

For details about the Change Encryption Key for Export page

Run Export

Click to export the setting information in a CSV file.

Import Device Setting Information

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Import the device setting information.

Import of equipment peculiar information

Specify whether or not to include equipment specific information in the setting information file to be imported.

Download Import Result File

Specify whether to download the result file after importing the information.

Encryption Key

Configure the encryption key to decode the obtained setting information.
Click the Change button to open the Change Encryption Key for Import page, and then specify the key.

For details about the Change Encryption Key for Import page

File to Import

Specify the setting information to be imported.

Run Import

Click to import the setting information file.

Export Image File for Home Screen

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Run Export

Click to export the image displayed in the upper right of the home screen of the device.


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Click to return to the previous page.


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