Device Management >Configuration > Device Settings > Logs

Configure settings for recording job and device access logs.
You can also clear log records on this page.


Job Log

Collect Job Logs

Specify whether to record job logs.


Job Log Collect Level

Select a level of job log collection.
The settings shown for "Job Log Collect Settings Listed by Function Type" vary depending on the collection level selected.

Job Log Collect Settings Listed by Function Type

Specify whether or not to enable job log collection for each of the device's functions.


Access Log

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Collect Access Logs

Specify whether to record the device operation logs.

Access Log Collect Level

Select a level of access log collection.
The settings shown for "Access Log Collect Settings Listed by Function Type" vary depending on the collection level selected.

Access Log Collect Settings Listed by Function Type

Specify whether or not to enable access log collection for each of the device's functions.


Eco-friendly Logs

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Collect Eco-friendly Logs

Specify whether to record the eco-friendly logs.

Eco-friendly Log Collect Level

Select a level of eco-friendly log collection.
The settings shown for "Eco-friendly Log Collect Settings Listed by Event Type" vary depending on the collection level selected.

Eco-friendly Log Collect Settings Listed by Event Type

Specify whether or not to enable eco-friendly log collection for each event.


Common Settings for All Logs

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Transfer Logs

Select to disable log transfer.
When log transfer is inactive, Inactive is displayed and this setting cannot be changed.
When log transfer is active, log records can be transferred to the log collection system.


Classification Code

Specify whether or not to record classification codes.


Records job logs along with classification codes. Jobs without classification codes are cancelled.


Even if a job has a classification code, the job log is recorded but the classification code is not.


Delete All Logs

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Delete All Logs

Click Delete to clear all job log and device access log records.



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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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