LAN-Fax Job History
Status/Information > Job > LAN-Fax Job History

Displays jobs that used the LAN-Fax function and the job history.
New jobs appear at the beginning of the list. The jobs are older (previously submitted jobs) further down the list. Up to 70 jobs are displayed.
The job types are as follows:

  • LAN-Fax Transmission
  • Print
  • Document Server Storage


Page control buttons

Click the buttons above the list to change the display page.

Go to the first page. button

Displays the first page.

Go to the previous page. button

Displays the previous page.

Go to the next page. button

Displays the next page.

Go to the last page. button

Displays the last page.

Display Items

Select the number of display items per page.

List of display items

The items displayed are as follows:


Displays a unique number assigned to each job.

User ID

Displays the user who specified the job. If there is no information entered, "?" appears.


Displays job status such as Standby..., Transmitting..., and Complete.


Displays the number of pages in the job.

Started At

Displays the date and time the user submitted the job.

File No.

Displays the document number if the job includes the Transmission process.


To Top of the Page


Click to update the currently displayed information.


Displays the previous page.


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