Fax Journal: Transmission/Reception
Status/Information > Job > Fax Journal: Transmission/Reception

Displays the communication log of jobs executed via the machine's fax function.
To display the Fax Journal: Transmission page, select Job - Transmission.
To display the Fax Journal: Reception page, select Job - Reception.


Search for

A destination address or user name can be specified to search for a log record.
Specify the search criteria, and then click Search to start searching.


When User Name is selected

Up to 24 characters can be entered.

When Destination is selected

Up to 24 characters can be entered.

Page control buttons

Click the buttons above the list to change the display page.
The total number of pages and current page number are displayed between the Go to the previous page. button and the Go to the next page. button.

Go to the first page. button

Displays the first page.

Go to the previous page. button

Displays the previous page.

Go to the next page. button

Displays the next page.

Go to the last page. button

Displays the last page.

Page box and Go button

Displays the specified page. Enter the number of the page in the Page box, and then click Go to display it.

Display Items

Select the number of display items per page.

List of display items

The items displayed are as follows:


Displays the date and time the machine started transmission or reception of the fax job. Click the Ascending Order button or the Descending Order button under the item name to sort the list by date and time.

Details button

Click to display the detailed fax history.
The Journal: Details (Transmission) page appears for a transmission log record, and the Journal: Details (Reception) page appears for a reception log record.


Displays whether the fax file was encrypted using S/MIME before it was sent.


  • This item does not appear on the Fax Journal: Reception page.


Displays the destination party's name or fax number.
The destination information is displayed for a transmission log record, and the sender information is displayed for a reception log record. Click the Ascending Order button or the Descending Order button under the item name to sort the list by destination.


Displays the line type used for transmission or reception. Click the Ascending Order button or the Descending Order button under the item name to sort the list by line type.


Displays the number of pages of the job. For a job that exceeds 1000 pages, "****" appears.


Displays the result of the job. Click the Ascending Order button or the Descending Order button under the item name to sort the list by result.

User Name

Displays the name of the user who submitted the job. Click the Ascending Order button or the Descending Order button under the item name to sort the list by user name.

File No.

Displays the control number assigned to the job. Click the Ascending Order button or the Descending Order button under the item name to sort the list by file number.


  • If there is no information entered for Line, Page(s), Result, or File No., "---" appears.
  • If there is no information entered for Destination or User Name, a blank is displayed.


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Download Transmission List

Click to convert the transmission log to a CSV file before downloading it.
Clicking this button displays a dialog box that prompts you to download the file.


Download Reception List

Click to convert the reception log to a CSV file before downloading it.
Clicking this button displays a dialog box that prompts you to download the file.



Click to update the currently displayed information.


Displays the previous page.


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For details about the procedure (Downloading)