Job History
Status/Information > Job > Job History

This page displays a list of print jobs that have completed.
This list includes all the functions supported by the device, such as copier and Document Server.



Select from the following items you want to display in the list:

Page control buttons

Click the buttons above the list to change the display page.
The total number of pages and current page number are displayed between the Go to the previous page. button and the Go to the next page. button.

Go to the first page. button

Displays the first page.

Go to the previous page. button

Displays the previous page.

Go to the next page. button

Displays the next page.

Go to the last page. button

Displays the last page.

Page box and Go button

Displays the specified page. Enter the number of the page in the Page box, and then click Go to display it.

Display Items

Select the number of display items per page.

List of display item

The items displayed are as follows:


Icons are shown to indicate the function used to generate the job.
One of the following appears, however, icons representing the functions not supported by the device are not displayed.


The print job generated with the copier function.

Document Server

The print job generated with Document Server function.


The print job sent from the printer driver.

Document Server (Web Image Monitor)

The print job sent from the Document Server using Web Image Monitor.

Document Server (Utility)

The print job sent from a network computer and stored in the machine's Document Server.

Details button

Click to display the Details page.


Displays reservation numbers assigned to the jobs. These numbers may not be consecutive.

User Name

Displays the name of the user who requested the job.

File Name

Displays the file name for the job.


Displays the result of the job as Completed or Cancelled.

Result Detail

Displays the detailed information if Cancelled is displayed in Results. If Completed is displayed, "---" appears.


Displays the total number of pages in the job.


Displays the number of copies printed.


  • If there is no information entered for User Name or File Name, "---" or "?" appears.
  • If user authentication is selected, "****" is displayed in File Name of the unauthorized document.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.


Displays the previous page.


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