Spool Printing Job List
Status/Information > Job > Spool Printing Job List

You can display, check, and delete spooled printing jobs.
New jobs appear at the top of the list. Older (earlier) print jobs are further down the list.


Page control buttons

Click the buttons above the list to change the display page.
The total number of pages and current page number are displayed between the Go to the previous page. button and the Go to the next page. button.

Go to the first page. button

Displays the first page.

Go to the previous page. button

Displays the previous page.

Go to the next page. button

Displays the next page.

Go to the last page. button

Displays the last page.

Display Items

Select the number of display items per page.

List of display items

Select the check box to the left of the job information to select a job. The number of selected job information appears for Selected above the list.
Click Select All to select all job information in the list. Click Clear All to deselect all job information in the list. Jobs not displayed on the current page are also deselected.
Items displayed in the list are as follows:



Displays a unique number assigned to each job. ID numbers may not be consecutive.

User Name

Displays the name of the user who sent the job.

File Name

Displays the job's document name.


Displays job status: Storing..., Waiting..., Printing..., Deleting..., Waiting for Job Suspension..., or Job Suspended appears.


Displays the size of the job in kilobytes.


  • If there is no information entered for User Name or File Name, "---" or "?"appears.


To Top of the Page


Click to update the currently displayed information.


Click to delete the selected job.



Displays the previous page.


To Top of the Page
For details about the procedure (Deleting)