Eco-friendly Counter/Eco-friendly Counter per User
Status/Information > Eco-friendly Counter/Eco-friendly Counter per User

This page displays the number of pages in the following items: total print pages, usage rate of 2-sided prints, usage rate of combined prints, and paper reduction rate.
If you are logged in as Machine Administrator, the Eco-friendly Counter page appears. If you are logged in as a user (except User Code Authentication), the Eco-friendly Counter per User page appears so that you can confirm your counter only.



Click to obtain the logs for Device Total Counter and Counter per User as a CSV file.


Device Total Counter

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Displays the usage rate of each item to the total number of pages processed by the device.

List of display item

The items displayed are as follows:

Count Period (Current)/Count Period (Previous)

Displays the last and current count periods.

Total Print Pages

Displays the total number of pages processed by the device.

2-sided Utilization

Displays the proportion of 2-sided print pages to the total number of print pages.

Combine Utilization

Displays the proportion of combined print pages to the total number of print pages.

Paper Reduction

Displays the proportion of paper reduced by using 2-sided and combined prints.

Counter per User

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Displays the counter figures per user.

Page control buttons

Click the buttons above the list to change the display page.
The total number of pages and current page number are displayed between the Go to the previous page. button and the Go to the next page. button.

Go to the first page. button

Displays the first page.

Go to the previous page. button

Displays the previous page.

Go to the next page. button

Displays the next page.

Go to the last page. button

Displays the last page.

Page box and Go button

Displays the specified page. Enter the number of the page in the Page box, and then click Go to display it.

Display Count

Select the number of display items per page.

No. of Registration

Displays the number of users registered to the Address Book.

List of display item

The items displayed are as follows:

Count Period (Current)/Count Period (Previous)

Displays the last and current count periods.

Registration No.

Displays the user-specific number assigned when the user is registered to the Address Book.

User Code

Displays the user code assigned to the user or the login user name.

User Name

Displays the name of the user registered to the Address Book.

Total Print Pages

Displays the total number of pages processed by the device.

2-sided Utilization

Displays the proportion of 2-sided print pages to the total number of print pages.

Combine Utilization

Displays the proportion of combined print pages to the total number of print pages.

Paper Reduction

Displays the proportion of paper reduced by using 2-sided and combined prints.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.


Displays the previous page.


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