Device Management > Configuration > Webpage > Webpage

Use this page to change languages displayed in the language selection list on the Home page, or to change addresses (URLs) and URL names listed in the Favorite area on Link Page.
In addition, Web Image Monitor Help files can be batch-downloaded from this page.


Webpage Language

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Change the language of Web Image Monitor by selecting a language in the language selection list on the Home page. In these boxes, select languages that appear in the language selection list.

Language1, Language2

Select languages that appear in the language selection list.
The default is the printer control panel language for Language1, and English for Language2.


Web Image Monitor Auto Logout

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Web Image Monitor Auto Logout Settings

This function automatically logs out a user logged in from Web Image Monitor if the user does not use Web Image Monitor for a specified period, or if the specified period elapses for each session even when the user use it.
Specify the time period which must elapse before the user is automatically logged out. Enter a value between 3 and 60 (minutes).

Set URL Target of Link Page

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Specify the first address (URL) displayed in the Favorite area of the linked page.

Display Name

Enter the name of the linked page, using up to 31 characters.


Enter the address (URL) assigned to URL1, using up to 127 alphanumeric characters.

Show on Home Screen

Select whether to display the link address on the Status tab of the Home page. Select the check box to display the link address.


Specify the second address (URL) displayed in the Favorite area of the linked page.

Display Name

Enter the name of the linked page, using up to 31 characters.


Enter the address (URL) assigned to URL2, using up to 127 alphanumeric characters.

Show on Home Screen

Select whether or not to display the link address on the Status tab of the Home page. Select the check box to display the link address.

Set Help URL Target

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Enter the address (URL) of the Help button. Up to 127 characters can be entered.


WSD/UPnP Setting

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To use WSD (Web Services on Devices) or UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), you must enter the device URL using up to 127 characters.

Download Help File

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Batch-download Web Image Monitor Help from the Internet Web server.
This page is the same as the Help download page displayed when clicking Help in the upper right of the page for the first time.


Select the operating system of the computer being used.


Select the language in which Help appears.


Click to download Help. Clicking Download displays a page prompting Help file downloading.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to apply the settings.


Click to cancel the settings.


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