Device Certificate
Configuration > Security > Device Certificate

To apply SSL/TLS, IPsec, and/or S/MIME encryption, and/or to apply authentication by IEEE 802.1X, you must install a device certificate on the device.
Use this page to check whether or not a device certificate is installed, and install one if required.


List of display items

Click the option button to the left of the certificate information to select a certificate.
Select a certificate ID, and then click the button in the upper left of the page to create, request, install, or delete the device certificate, as required.
The items displayed are as follows:

Certificate No.

Displays the certificate identification number: Certificate 1 to Certificate 6 appears.

Details button

Click to display the Certificate Details page.


  • This button does not appear if Certificate Status is set to None.
For details about the Certificate Details page

Issued to

Displays the device's host name as the owner/applicant of the certificate.


  • This field is blank if Certificate Status is set to None or Requesting.

Issued by

Displays the name of the CA or the device's host name, as the issuer of the certificate.


  • This field is blank if Certificate Status is set to None or Requesting.

Validity Period

Displays the certificate expiration date.


  • This field is blank if Certificate Status is set to None or Requesting.

Certificate Status

Displays the status of each certificate. Select a certificate, and then click the button in the upper left of the page to create, request, install, or delete the device certificate, as required.


A device certificate is not installed.


A request for a device certificate has been submitted to a Certification Authority (CA).


A device certificate is installed.


A device certificate is already installed, and a new request for a device certificate has been submitted to a Certification Authority (CA).


  • If Installed is displayed in this box, you can use the Device Management - Configuration - Security - SSL/TLS page to set SSL/TLS encrypted communication to Active.
  • The status None may not appear in this box after you have deleted a device certificate. Each device can have up to two device certificates installed. When the current device certificate is deleted, the previously installed device certificate is used in turn, if there was one. To turn the certificate status to None, delete the device certificate again.


Displays explanation for buttons in the upper left of the page.
Available buttons vary depending on the status of the certificate. If the status is different between each certificate, some buttons may not work even if they are displayed.

Buttons available when the certificate status is None
Buttons available when the certificate status is Requesting
Buttons available when the certificate status is Installed/Requesting
Buttons available when the certificate status is Installed


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Select the certificate to use for SSL/TLS, IPsec, S/MIME, IEEE 802.1X, PDF Digital Signature, and/or PDF/A Digital Signature.


Displays SSL/TLS, IEEE 802.1X, S/MIME, IPsec, PDF Digital Signature, and/or PDF/A Digital Signature.


For SSL/TLS, the certificate name is fixed to "Certificate 1".
For IEEE 802.1X, you can select "Certificate 1" to "Certificate 6".
For S/MIME, you can select "Certificate 1" to "Certificate 6" or "Do not Use".
For IPsec, you can select "Certificate 1" to "Certificate 6".
For PDF Digital Signature, you can select "Certificate 1" to "Certificate 6".
For PDF/A Digital Signature, you can select "Certificate 1" to "Certificate 6" or "Do not Use".


Buttons available when the certificate status is None:

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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to create the device's own device certificate. When you click this button, the Certificate Information page appears.

For details about the Certificate Information page



Click to submit a request for a device certificate to a CA. When you click this button, the Certificate Information page appears.

For details about the Certificate Information page

Buttons available when the certificate status is Requesting:

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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to create the device's own device certificate. When you click this button, the Certificate Information page appears.

For details about the Certificate Information page



Click to install the device certificate. When you click this button, the Enter Device Certificate page appears.

For details about the Enter Device Certificate page


Cancel Request

Click to cancel submitting a request for a device certificate to a CA. When you click this button, the confirmation message about canceling the submission appears.


Click to delete the installed device certificate. When you click this button, the confirmation message about deleting the device certificate appears.


Buttons available when the certificate status is Installed/Requesting:

To Top of the Page


Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to create the device's own device certificate. When you click this button, the Certificate Information page appears.

For details about the Certificate Information page



Click to install the device certificate. When you click this button, the Enter Device Certificate page appears.

For details about the Enter Device Certificate page


Install Intermediate Certificate

Click to install an intermediate certificate. When you click this button, the Install Intermediate Certificate page will appear.

For details about the Install Intermediate Certificate page

Cancel Request

Click to cancel submitting a request for a device certificate to a CA. When you click this button, the confirmation message about canceling the submission appears.


Click to delete the installed device certificate. When you click this button, the confirmation message about deleting the device certificate appears.


Delete Intermediate Certificate

Click to delete the installed intermediate certificate. When you click this button, a message prompting you to confirm deletion of the intermediate certificate will appear.


Click to export the installed device certificate. When you click this button, the Export Certificate page appears.

For details about the Export Certificate page


Buttons available when the certificate status is Installed:

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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to create the device's own device certificate. When you click this button, the Certificate Information page appears.

For details about the Certificate Information page



Click to submit a request for a device certificate to a CA. When you click this button, the Certificate Information page appears.

For details about the Certificate Information page

Install Intermediate Certificate

Click to install an intermediate certificate. When you click this button, the Install Intermediate Certificate page will appear.

For details about the Install Intermediate Certificate page


Click to delete the installed device certificate. When you click this button, the confirmation message about deleting the device certificate appears.


Delete Intermediate Certificate

Click to delete the installed intermediate certificate. When you click this button, a message prompting you to confirm deletion of the intermediate certificate will appear.


Click to export the installed device certificate. When you click this button, the Export Certificate page appears.

For details about the Export Certificate page



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