About Web Image Monitor

Web Image Monitor allows you to check machine status, manage jobs, and change settings, via a Web browser.
The recommended Web browsers are as follows:


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, or a later version
  • Firefox 10 and 15, or a later version
  • Google Chrome 19, or a later version


  • Firefox 10 and 15, or a later version
  • Safari 3.0, or a later version
  • Google Chrome 19, or a later version


Web Image Monitor supports screen reader applications.
We recommend JAWS 7.0 or a later version.


What You Can Do with Web Image Monitor

Web Image Monitor can be used to access remote devices through the network. Device status monitoring, and configuration setting / changing is available via a standard Web browser.
The Web Image Monitor can be used to:

  • Set and display device settings and status
  • Check job status and history
  • Check, change, print, send, and delete files stored in the Document Server
  • Check, print, and delete files received using the fax function
  • Manage the Address Book
  • Change device settings


  • It is recommended that fax-received files be checked and downloaded periodically. When file storage reaches specified capacity, files are automatically printed in order, starting from the oldest, and files are deleted from the Fax Received File list.

Basic Operations of Web Image Monitor

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  1. In the menu area to the left, click the menu item corresponding to the function you want to know.
    The page for the selected menu item appears in the work area to the right.
  2. Use the displayed page to check device and job status, and then enter settings.

Header Area

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The area at the top of the Web Image Monitor page is called the header area.
The same buttons always appear here regardless of which page is displayed during operation. The following items appear in the header area.

Model name of the device

The model name of the device currently connected appears on the left side of the header area.


Click to display the Keyword Search page. On this page, you can enter a string to search for pages where the string appears in the text of a heading or item name.

For details about the Keyword Search page


When this is first clicked, a page appears for downloading the Web Image Monitor Help from the Internet, using the Web browser.
After Help is downloaded, the Table of Contents Help can be displayed by setting the location of the Help files as this button's address link (URL).


Click to display the Web Image Monitor version information.


Click the Login button to open a dialog box where you can enter your user name and password. When you have logged in, this button changes to the Logout button.

For details about the Login page


  • The link address of the Help button can be set using the Device Management - Configuration - Webpage page (only when you are logged in as Network Administrator).

Web Browser Settings and Operations

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Use a Web browser to perform all Web Image Monitor operations.
Note the following when using Web browser functions:

Cookies and JavaScript settings

Make the following settings (required):

Registering bookmarks

For the following page, you can register the URL displayed on the Web browser, to thereafter go to the Web page immediately.

For other pages, the Web browser cannot display them correctly, even if a URL is registered.


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