Address List (Display All Items)
Device Management > Address Book > Address List (Display All Items)

You can change the contents of the Address Book. Users and groups can be registered to the Address Book.
This page displays the full list of the registered addresses. It will take a longer time to display the full list if many addresses are registered.
To specify the number of the addresses or the view type of the list, click To Address List (Display Specified No.of Items) to go to the Address List (Display Specified No.of Items) page.

For details about the Address List (Display Specified No.of Items) page


Number of Registered

Displays the number of users and groups registered to the Address Book.


Displays the number of selected users and groups.

Select All/Deselect All

Click Select All to select all users and groups in the list.
Click Deselect All to deselect all selected users and groups in the list.

Reading... (Can be Edited)/Suspended/Completed

Displays the status of reading the address book information. When the device finishes reading, the progress bar will disappear. You can edit the address book in the reading process.

Suspend/Resume buttons

The Suspend button is displayed while Reading... (Can be Edited) is displayed.
The Resume button is displayed while Suspended is displayed.
If you click the Suspend button, the device stops reading the information and the job status is Suspend.
If you click the Resume button, the device resumes reading the information.

List of display items

Click the option button to the left of the registration information to select a user or group.
The items displayed are as follows:



Displays the type of user.
The User icon indicates a user. The Group icon indicates a group.

Registration No.

Displays a user- or group-specific number assigned when the user or group is registered to the Address Book.


Displays the name of the user or group.

Display Priority

Displays a priority level for user display order. "1" is the highest priority, and the higher the value, the lower the priority.


Displays whether the user or group is registered to the Freq. page.

Title 1

Displays the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 1.

Title 2

Displays the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 2.

Title 3

Displays the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 3.

User Code

Displays the user code registered for using a machine function. Group user codes do not appear.

Volume Used

Displays in units the total volume printed by the user to date. The "group volume" is the total volume (in units) printed to date by all group members combined.

Previous Volume Used

Displays the previous total volume printed by the user.

Last Reset Date

Displays the date and time of the last reset of Volume Used.

Date Last Used

Displays the date and time when the device was last used.

Limit Value

Displays in units the user's print volume limit. The "group limit" is the total volume (in units) printable by all group members combined.

Lockout Status

Displays whether or not the user is locked out.

Fax Destination

Displays the destination of the document scanned by the fax function.

Group fax numbers do not appear.

Email Address

Displays the email address of the user. Group email addresses do not appear.

Certificate Status

Displays the status of the user certificate.


Displays the users' shared folder. Group shared folders do not appear.


  • If there is no information entered for Title 1 to Title 3, User Code, Volume Used, Previous Volume Used, Last Reset Date, Fax Destination, Email Address, or Folder, "---" appears.
  • Volume Used, Previous Volume Used, and Limit Value are expressed in units. A "unit" is a per-page numerical value that you can assign to paper sizes and print functions (Printer/Copier). Specifying unit counts allows you to limit user printing according to the combination of paper sizes and print functions (Printer/Copier). Use the Print Volume Use Limitation page to specify unit counts and print limits.
  • Volume Used, Previous Volume Used, Last Reset Date, and Limit Value will appear only if User Authentication Management is set to User Code, Basic Authentication, Windows Authentication, or LDAP Authentication, and Stop Job or Finish Job and Limit is selected for Machine Action When Limit is Reached on the Print Volume Use Limitation page.
  • "---" will appear for Volume Used and Limit Value if Off is selected for Print Volume Use Limitation on the Add User or Change User page.


To Top of the Page


Click to update the currently displayed information.

Easy Input tab

Click to change/register uses in the wizard method.

Add User

Click to display the page where new users can be registered in the wizard method.


Select a user and click Change to display the Change Registration (Easy Input) page, where you can change the user information in the wizard method.
Select a group and click Change to display the Change Group page.

Detail Input tab

Click to update the currently displayed information.

Add User

Click to display the page where new users can be registered.


Select a user and click Change to display the Change User (Detail Input) page. Select a group and click Change to display the Change Group page.


When clicking Delete, the confirmation message about deleting the selected user or group appears.

Add Group

Click to display the page where new groups can be registered.


Click to display the page for backing up and restoring Address Book data.

Data Carry-over Setting for Address Book Auto-program

Click to display the template settings page. This page enables you to specify a registration template that you can use to auto-register to the Address Book users who have already been authenticated by an external authentication service.



To Top of the Page
For details about the procedure (Changing User Information)
For details about the procedure (Adding Users)
For details about the procedure (Deleting Users)
For details about the procedure (Changing Group Information)
For details about the procedure (Adding Groups)
For details about the procedure (Deleting Groups)
For details about the procedure (Backing up)
For details about the procedure (Restoring)


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