Device Management > Address Book > Maintenance

Click to display the page for maintaining Address Book.

Back Up/Restore Address Book

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Encryption Key

Enter the key to access encrypted Address Book data.


Download machine Address Book data as a backup file.


  • After clicking the Backup button, operations differ depending on the Web browser you are using.
  • The default name of the backup file is "<devicename>.udf".
  • During backup operation, do not modify the address book on the machine's control panel.
  • Backup files can be used to restore the Address Books. Depending on the model, you might not be able to restore the Address Book. For details, contact your sales representative.
  • If you are using Internet Explorer 8, downloading will be slower than with other browsers. To download faster with Internet Explorer 8, open the browser's Internet Options menu and register the machine's URL as a trusted site. Then disable SmartScreen filter for trusted sites. For details about these settings, see the Internet Explorer 8 Help files.


Restores machine Address Book data using backup files. If you click this button, the Restore page appears.

For details about the Restore page

Auto Delete User in Address Book

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Auto Delete

Specify whether or not to enable the auto delete user function in the address book.
If you register a new user when the maximum number of users/groups is already registered, the oldest user will be deleted automatically.


Items Displayed in Address List

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Specify items you want to display in the Address List page and their display order.
You can move items from one list to the other and also change their display order by dragging and dropping them or using Display and Hide buttons.
Items with an asterisk are always displayed.

Additional Items

Displays items you can add to the list.


Add the item selected in Additional Items to Display Order of Items.


Delete the item selected in Display Order of Items.

Display Order of Items

Displays a list of items to be displayed in the Address List page.


Move the selected item up one position.


Move the selected item down one position.


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Click to update the currently displayed information.



Click to apply the changes.


Click to cancel the changes.


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For details about the procedure (Backing up)
For details about the procedure (Restoring)