Add Group
Device Management > Address Book > Add Group

Use this page to register new groups.


Registration No.

Enter the registration number for the group. You can enter a value between 1 and 50000.


Enter the group name using up to 20 characters.

Key Display

Enter the name shown on the machine's control panel. You can enter up to 16 characters.


Display Priority

Specify a display priority of the user/group in the Address List (Display All Items). "1" is the highest priority, and the higher the value, the lower the priority.
If you click the Display Priority title in the list header, the address list is sorted in the display priority order.


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Title 1

Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 1.

Title 2

Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 2.

Title 3

Select the tab to which it belongs, when using Title 3.

Add to Freq.

Select whether to register to the Freq. page.


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Protect Destination

You can limit availability of this group through a protection code or restricted access privileges.

Protection Object

Select the check box of the item you want to protect using a protection code.
If Folder Destination is selected, a message appears prompting you to enter the protection code when specifying this group as the destination folder to which files are transferred.

Protection Code

To set a protection code, click Change. When the Change Protection Code page appears, enter the code you want to set.

For details about the Change Protection Code page

Access Privilege

To set access privileges for group information registered to the Address Book, click Change. When the Protect Destination: Permissions for Users/Groups page appears, set the access privilege.

For details about the Protect Destination: Permissions for Users/Groups page

Add to Group

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Details of Group

A group can contain not only user(s) but also other group(s). To set this group to belong to another group, click Change. When the Add to Group page appears, specify the group to which this group belongs.

For details about the Add to Group page


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Click to apply the changes and display the Address List page.

Save and Add Another

Click to apply the changes and reset all values set on this page to default.


Click to cancel the changes.


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For details about the procedure (Adding Groups)