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Print Quality 1


Select the output resolution setting.

Default: [600 dpi]


Specify the print image quality.

Default: [Fast]

Print Mode:

Specify whether or not to reduce toner consumption when a print job is performed.

Default: [Off]

Image Smoothing:

Specify whether or not to perform image smoothing, or specify the threshold resolution to apply smoothing.

Default: [Off]


Select a dithering pattern appropriate for the document.

Default: [Auto]

  • Auto

    Automatically configures the best dithering method depending on the document you want to print.

  • Photographic

    Performs dithering using a pattern appropriate for photographs.

  • Text

    Performs dithering using a pattern appropriate for text.

  • User Setting

    Select this when you print images set in half tone in your application.

  • Reduce Missing Colors and Blurring

    Performs dithering using a pattern appropriate for thin lines and small fonts.

Color Setting:

Select the compensation method to be used when converting RGB data into CMYK.

Default: [Super Fine]

  • Off

    Color settings are not modified.

  • Fine

    Select this setting to perform color matching and CMYK conversion based on the color profile pattern selected for [Color Profile:]. Colors printed using this setting are equivalent to a monitor gamma setting of 1.8.

  • Super Fine

    Select this setting to perform color matching and CMYK conversion based on the color profile pattern selected for [Color Profile:]. This setting is useful for emphasizing areas of light color.

    Colors printed using this setting is equivalent to a monitor gamma setting of 2.2.